Hi, my dear friends!
This year has been remarkably quiet. Usually by the middle of May I already have a dozen chicks of wild birds that are in trouble. But this year is different. Just this morning, the first baby crow arrived. Surprisingly, he is quite healthy. Probably something happened to his parents if they left the baby. Although another option is also possible - someone picked up the chick, and now left it on the street, deciding that it is already old enough. Why do I have this version? The chick is too calm about people.
I gashwa this little feathered miracle Patty. I don't usually tame crow chicks because my main goal is to get them back into the wild. But for some reason it seems to me that this time everything will turn out differently. The chick is too tame and at the moment I don't have adult crows to teach him.
But on the other hand, this is not a disaster for crows, they get used to people very easily and can be excellent pets. Moreover, he will not suffer in a small cage, he will have a tall and spacious aviary. And maybe a friend. Some more people called today and said they found a baby crow and they need help feeding it, so we'll have more tonight.
Crows are very smart and funny birds. They are really very intelligent. Of course, I don't like all their antics. One day crow Karma (you see her in the video) tried to throw a flower pot on me! Although, of course, given her name, perhaps there was some higher plan.😁
And in this video you can see how the crow chick demands food, it opens its beak and shakes its wings. If you see this, do not be alarmed, but simply treat the baby.
Look who's finally back! Hope you are well dear friend.
Wow! 😍 How glad I am to see you again! I missed your stories about the Night Gods! How are you? I remember you were spending time with your ex and grandchildren the last time we corresponded.
I've moved back in with my ex... i'm finally out of the "death-house." Our grandkids and great-grandkids come to visit several times a week. I feel wonderful, optomistic and full of life again!
Oh, what a wonderful news! I was very worried about you after Bruno and your friend... So home sweet home. Really wonderful!
It is! Our granddaughter is spending the night tonight.
Ого, які шматки врна проковтує!)))
Взагалі, сонечко, я захоплююсь тобою! Ти - неймовірна людина!
Дякую 😊 А вороненятки, так, їдять ну дуже кумедно, люблю цих пташок