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RE: Let Our Picture Tell Your Story - Edition 36

in Feathered Friends2 years ago

The Beginning of the Feud of the Cats and Crows.Hello @wrestlingdesires and friends in featheredfriends Community, I have a story for you, I hope you like my story. The title of my story is :

In a market there is a crow named Harry, every afternoon Harry always comes to the market to look for food. In the afternoon there is plenty of leftover food that he can eat voraciously. He is also friends with a cat named Frans. They have been friends for a long time. There is no competition in their relationship, because in the market there is always an endless supply of food for them to eat.

One day there was a riot in the market, many traders did not sell for several days. The fish and meat sellers had not sold anything for two days, Harry and Frans were starting to worry that there would be nothing for them to eat during the riots, they didn't know when the market would be as busy as usual. They both don't want there to be a fight between the two of them, they don't want to fight over food. Harry said to Frans, "what if we divide the market into two parts, so we don't compete with each other". Frans the cat agreed. Harry the crow went south and Frans the cat went North. A bakery right in the middle of their territory, this bakery was the border of their territory. They had promised not to take food in territory that did not belong to them.

The riot lasted longer than they expected, more and more vendors did not go to the market to sell. Harry and Frans' food supplies were running low. Harry was thinking of moving somewhere else but he liked this market and it was his home he hesitated. In the afternoon he flew to Frans' territory, he wanted to know the condition of his best friend, he saw Frans eating something at an abandoned diner, he saw that there was still a lot of food in Frans the cat's territory, jealousy arose in Harry the crow's heart, he looked for a way to pick up some food from Harry's territory.

He knew Frans the cat had a habit of waking up during the day, so every morning, Harry the crow started taking food supplies from Frans' territory. After a few days, Frans suspected that someone was stealing food from his area. He started to get restless. He wanted to visit his friend the crow to complain about this problem. "Hi crow my friend, how are you?" Frans asked Harry.

"as you can see, I'm fine, you can see in my area there is still a lot of food" replied the crow, boasting.

Frans looked at the area that Harry was pointing at, he could see that Harry still had a lot of food. But wait, he seemed to recognize some of the ingredients that Harry showed, looked familiar. "Where did you get this food?" Frans asked curiously. "Of course this is leftover food left by the owner of the diner" Harry replied without thinking. Frans suspected Harry had stolen food in his area, but he didn't want to accuse without evidence, he said goodbye home with suspicion.

The next morning, when Harry was stealing at Frans' territory, Frans, who was pretending to be asleep, caught Harry stealing red-handed, to his surprise Harry dropped a few pieces of dried fish and immediately flew away. Frans chased after him, "Harry wait", shouted Frans. But Harry kept flying regardless of Frans.

Since then, Harry has always avoided meeting Frans, he didn't want to meet. Seeds of hostility began to appear, now they began to compete for food.

Hello @belkyscabrera @hindavi, I invite you to share interesting stories here.


There is a great moral to your story.🌟💫✨
I'm even finding it hard to take sides and see Harry as the bad guy.Great storyline @umirais 😊

Part of me feels sad that Harry betrayed their friendship and stole food from Frans only to run away and not try to resolve their problem.

But Frans is not all so innocent if he was a true friend he could have found out if Harry was having something for himself, or if he needs a share.

But humans do this too not being aware of friends' needs and struggling or choosing to ignore them.

I'm glad you like this story @humbe

It's always sad to see a friendship ruined like that 😢

Well done, what a great entry ,🙌


Harry will eventually learn a hard lesson from his actions in the near future when there is nobody around in their time of need. Great story.

That’s sad they let that come between them. Thanks for sharing your story. Well written 😎🤓

Thanks @littlebee4

You are welcome @umirais 👋🏻😊

A story that ended a little sad, but I really liked the way you told it.
Best regards

I'm glad you like this story and thanks for positif feedback @popurri