Peaceful walks together (2025.03.16)

My Harris's hawk is now completely used to my brother.

With a few special exceptions (for example when my brother hold a bottle), my Harris's hawk is no longer distancing, nor wary towards my brother.

She no longer scream, nor growl at him.

She still fear certain objects, for example bottles. She usually growl, when my brother lift a bottle to drink.

And she still fear from dogs. She rarely meet them, and usually she scream at them even from a long distance.

Today she also have not met dogs.

We peacefully walked in the barranco.

We sat down in the shadows, because the sunshine felt hot (the temperature was around 22 °C).

As nowadays usual, today we also spent very little time online.

The mobile internet signal is often not even available in the barranco.

The 4G often drops to 3G, to H+, and in the previous few days we even saw E (Edge) too.

I have not saw the Edge mobile network since years.

Either way, it is good to spend the day mostly without internet.

It is peaceful.


You guys are looking great, I wish you guys all the best.

Thank you.

Currently we live in tents in a cave/tent living community in the rocky semi-desert, where most people are alcoholic and drug addict.

So the current situation is not so great.

But we are continuously trying to find a good solution for a proper mode of living.

Theoretically, if everything will be good, then I will buy a caravan in October/November from a friend, who will bring the caravan to the island.

So theoretically we already have a solution.

I already spent almost two years in this place. My brother arrived in this place almost one month ago.

So we are prepared to spend the next seven or eight months too in this place, if necessary.


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Thank you

Okay, I wish you all the best