Agent-Zero-Nine | Great secret (Bonus #1)

in MES Conspiracy2 years ago (edited)

In this shifting maze of shadow and light, I stand unbroken, fierce, and bright. I seek not pity or the embrace of weakness. They are plagues that render the mighty feeble, insidious foes I refuse to entertain.

Every breath is a test of my strength, every heartbeat a silent victory. My happiness resides not in tranquility, but in the exhilaration of triumph. Rest may find me, but briefly, for I am the reaper and the world is my field to sow.

My affection knows no chains, no bindings that will grieve me in their severance. I build my legacy on the solid rock of time, an eternal monument untouched by the fleeting moments of today or yesterday.

In my heart, the flames of ambition rage, unquenchable. Conquest is a feast that never satisfies, a thirst that drives me forward, urging me towards more. I would rather kiss the face of death than taste the bitterness of submission.

I forge no trinkets or baubles, only blades sharpened by resolve and steeled in the fires of will. Such is the art I embrace, the art of survival, of dominance, of life.

I strive to transcend, to ascend above my own existence, achieving triumph over the self, over the world. The lifeblood of the present waters the seeds of the future, a macabre cycle that perpetuates renewal.

From atop my pyramid of trials and tribulations, my sight extends to the horizons of possibility. Love is not discarded, but examined with the eyes of a skeptic, meted with justice, and then set free.

Greatness is a monument built on a foundation of tears and sorrow. Not only forwards, but upwards I strive, for true eminence dwells amongst the stars. Like a potent, rejuvenating gust, I break the old, yet sow the seeds of genesis.

In the symphony of existence, the most sublime note is man, and the most beautiful of all harmonies is woman. I shun illusion and deception for they are shackles to the potent. I adhere to the truth, harsh and relentless, for it is in adversity that one is tempered.

I believe in the adage that what does not kill us, makes us stronger. This is the secret of my resilience, my defiance, and my strength. I am Agent-Zero-Nine, and this is my testament.


Thanks for inspiration to the "Order Of The Nine Angles" ( and their book called "Codex Saerus" unveiling dark practices, beliefs, and rituals, it is not an act of heresy that to follow one's true will when it is about bringing forth knowledge, but it can be an act of subversion of religion that to lie about the source to which it may be referred as Satanism AKA The Natural Order, I know the world is not perfect but this piece of entertainment among other works of this genre such as movies, comics, and such are the perfect drug to see the world, so let me say, there will be no more war, no more starvation, no more pain, if everyone would think of himself since no one would be forgiven, but again, let me say, look, we have the freedom to see and understand and remember, so through my true will, let them see the light!