Information technology and spirituality

in MES Conspiracy4 years ago

Parallels between esoteric principles and IT principles


More and more studies in various fields teach us that everything in Nature is linked. If in addition we can start from the principle that "the finite proceeds from the infinite, and that the visible emanates from the invisible", then we can legitimately ask whether there is a link between IT and the spiritual world. I suggest that examining some parallels between certain computational and esoteric principles is good and powerful.

Akashic archives, cloud computing and big data

First let's take a look at some modern understanding of the akashic archives as it sounds more strange than the other IT related terms.

Here is from the CIA, they think of it like a "matrix" in this document.



The ancient Hebrews drew no distinction between human souls and the animating force common to all animals (nephesh). Although some part of this animating force was thought to survive the destruction of the body, it was regarded with superstitious terror and referred to ambiguously by the terms
elohim and rephaim.

Here is some theories from a book I don't remember the name:

Your mind follows your attention. Wherever you direct your attention, your thoughts will go too. By directing attention to a specific place or goal, you * focus * mental energy on it.

There is an interesting phenomenon that occurs in magic that involves the creation of thoughtforms. The magician can create an image in his subjective mind and "impose" it on the objective world so that it influences the subjective mind of all individuals who come in contact with him. Objects can be charged with this magical energy and become "charmed" or "cursed". Within a magical group or clan, a group consciousness develops and acts as if it were an individual entity. These thought-forms are also responsible for buildings and places that assume an aura; to become "sacred", "holy", "defiled", "ungodly", etc.

Thoughtforms were used by Egyptian magicians to guard burial chambers and resulted in the deaths of archaeologists thousands of years later. This phenomenon cannot be explained by telepathy but is rather a form of magnetism or mesmerism, on which much research has also been carried out. The question arises: if spirits or demons are summoned by the magician and exist in his subconscious, do they also assume an objective existence (as thoughtforms) separate from the magician himself? Do gods and deities exist simply because of man's belief in them and their worship as such? If this is in fact the case, the magician can use telepathic (and voice) communication to communicate with (summon) all kinds of gods, angels and demons as well as to control the minds of other men.

Now let's take a look at the more ancient definiton:

The Akashic Archives, also known as the Akashic Records, are an esoteric concept introduced to the West by Theosophists at the end of the 19th century, based on elements of Indian philosophy. It would be a kind of cosmic memory, etheric in nature, which, like a sensitive film, would record the events of the world.

From an esoteric point of view, Cosmic Consciousness, also called "Universal Consciousness", like human consciousness, has a very important attribute: memory. In his case, this memory is universal and therefore contains everything that the universe and mankind have known since the beginning of time. This universal memory, designated by the Sanskrit word "Akasha", is also called "Cosmic memory".

The Akashic Archives therefore contain all the knowledge of the past and present of mankind. By harmonizing with them, we can access these symbolic archives and consult "the pages" relating to the most distant events which have marked the history of humanity and, in general, the evolution of life. herself.

Then we can see that this special archive is widely unknown as compared to the cloud, and we can understand why, not everyone has the ability to summon a form of non concise intelligence which we can't rely on at 100% in order to retrieve information from it. But if you didn't knew the existence of the akashic records, it is funny to know.

Astral travel and virtual reality

Let's begin by a nightmare, what if I told you that the astral travel you think about and virtual reality can look very close to each other. That's true, there is something invisible, there is non-ordinary project operated by the shadow government. This is an extract from a document describing the undergoing monarch project:

"The ultimate purpose of the sophisticated manipulation of these individuals may sound unrealistic, depending upon our interpretive understanding of the physical and spiritual realms. The deepest and darkest alters within bloodliners are purported to be dormant until the “Anti-Christ’ is revealed. These “New World Order” alters supposedly contain call-back orders and instructions to train and/or initiate a large influx of people (possibly clones or “soulless ones”), thereby stimulating social control programs into the new millennium. Non-biological “twinning” is yet another bizarre feature observed within MONARCH programming. For instance, two young non related children would be ceremoniously initiated in a magical “soul-bonding” ritual so they might be “inseparably paired for eternity” (possibly another Mengele connection?). They essentially share two halves of the programmed information, making them interdependent upon one another. Paranormal phenomenon such as astral projection, telepathy, ESP, etc. appear to be more pronounced between those who have undergone this process."

But this phenomenon of "decor ships" refers to the ability to project our consciousness outside of our physical body and is based on the fact that human beings have within them a psychic body that they are able to project outside of their physical body. This practice is studied in the Rosicrucian teachings under the name of "psychic projection".

The main benefit of astral travel is that it transports us in consciousness to the very place we are thinking about, allowing us to travel from place to place in the space of a thought. The moment we become aware of the place we have projected ourselves into, we perceive everything that is happening there, exactly as if we really were there. In other words, we see, hear and smell as realistically as we do with our objective faculties.

Virtual reality is a computer technology which consists in reproducing via software a real or imaginary environment in which the user can interact. It therefore artificially creates a sensory experience that can include vision, hearing, touch and even smell.

The principle is simple: a computer is used to produce a three-dimensional simulation of a world that the user can navigate and manipulate and which will give him the feeling of being immersed in this world. The sense of immersion one gets when putting on a virtual reality headset comes from the depth and breadth of the information.

A true virtual reality experience makes the user forget that they are in a fictitious world because, like "psychic projection", it "consciously projects" them into the computer-created virtual world.

Technological evolution without spiritual evolution

From the first computers that occupied entire rooms, through the PC (Personal Computer), Internet, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, computing has made tremendous leaps. It has become an indispensable tool in all sectors of activity, to the point of now arousing fear, the fear that it and its Artificial Intelligence will one day make humans disappear.

The Sapiens Institute recently published a study on the impact of the arrival of robots with artificial intelligence. It announces in particular the disappearance of certain professions. According to Erwann Tison, "if there is a technological alternative to human employment, it will be systematically chosen, with a view to increasing productivity". Thus, again according to this study, the professions of banking and insurance advisor, office automation and management secretary, accountant, cashier and self-service employee, are threatened by robotization.

Let's still think about who benefits.

A close look at the history and evolution of mankind shows us that "a civilization which produces knowledge and little wisdom is doomed to destruction." Now, true Wisdom involves elevating oneself spiritually and putting the Human at the center of everything. The impact of the meteoric rise of computing and Artificial Intelligence will therefore depend on the capacity that humans will have to put it at the service of good, that is to say of the positive evolution of consciousness and civilizations, and of course, the preservation of our mother Earth. Because "science without conscience is but the ruin of" ... Human.

By way of conclusion to this reflection, we can quote Comenius, considered as the spiritual father of UNESCO who wrote this: “We want all human beings, together or taken in isolation, young or old, rich or poor, noble or commoners, men or women can fully learn and become accomplished beings.

We want them to be fully educated and trained, not only in this or that point, but also in everything that allows man to fully realize his essence; to learn to know the truth, not to be deceived by pretenses, to love good and not to be deceived by evil; to do the right thing and to beware of what to avoid, to talk wisely about everything with everyone; finally, to always treat things, men and God with prudence and not lightly, and never to stray from his goal, happiness.

Imagine a society where computer science is used to relieve human beings of the most painful and repetitive tasks, and in which its economic benefits are equitably distributed among the population, in order to enable men and women to be educated in the goal of becoming "accomplished beings" manifesting in their way of thinking, speaking and acting the virtues of their soul, to take the time to properly educate their children, to accompany their elders well and to preserve Nature.

This is the world we want IT to help create through technological advances such as Artificial Intelligence. This vision is certainly utopian, but as Théodore Monod said, "Utopia does not mean the unrealizable, but the unrealized. The utopia of yesterday can become the reality of today ".


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