Hello welcome to my channel today I bring you another video game that is among my 3 favorites called Half-Life, which was released on November 19, 1998 and in my opinion is a good game for its time because the graphics that were used at that time are the same as the game uses. The game already has a remastering called Black Mesa in which only the textures are changed by the most recent version which is the one of 2004 which is half life 2 and some other things.
El personaje principal de esta historia se llama Gordon Freeman, el cual nació en 1971, en el momento en que se desarrolla la historia, el tiene 27 años, trabaja en una instalación de investigación anómala, en el instante que el juego nos pone en la piel de Gordon es cuando lo aceptan para trabajar en las instalaciones de Black Mesa que se ubican en Nuevo Mexico, a él le otorgan el rango de seguridad 3, ademas de que es graduado en la MIT con un PHD en fisica teorica.
The main character of this story is called Gordon Freeman, who was born in 1971, at the time the story takes place, he is 27 years old, he works in an anomalous research facility, at the moment the game puts us in Gordon's shoes is when he is accepted to work at the Black Mesa facility located in New Mexico, he is given the rank of security 3, plus he is a graduate of MIT with a PHD in theoretical physics.

Bueno en este videojuego ocurre un desastre en el que explota la cámara de pruebas después de meter el espécimen GG-3883 que ellos mismos dicen que es el más puro e inestable y trae con el los animales Xen que son alienigenas de un planeta, que vienen a la tierra a travez de una discrepancia que mata a la mitad del personal de black mesa ya que son muy hostiles, no todo lo que pasa en esta historia es malo porque tambien encontre armas entre esas armas hay una palanca que es el arma canonica de gordon:
Well in this video game a disaster occurs in which explodes the test chamber after putting the specimen GG-3883 that they themselves say it is the purest and unstable and brings with it the Xen animals that are aliens from a planet, which come to earth through a discrepancy that kills half the staff of black table as they are very hostile, not everything that happens in this story is bad because I also found weapons among those weapons there is a lever that is the canonical weapon of Gordon:

La siguiente arma es la pistola tiene dos formas de ataque el primario que dispara semiautomatico mientras que el secundario lo vuelve automatico pero con menos precisión:
The next weapon is the pistol, which has two forms of attack, the primary that fires semi-automatically while the secondary makes it automatic but with less precision:

También en el arsenal de gordon hay una escopeta que tambien tiene dos tipos de ataque el primario es un disparo que gasta 1 cartucho y el secundario dispara 2 y quita el doble de tiempo y es capaz de matar a un vortigaunt de un balazo secundario y de dos primarios:
Also in Gordon's arsenal there is a shotgun that also has two types of attack the primary is a shot that spends 1 cartridge and the secondary shoots 2 and takes twice as much time and is capable of killing a vortigaunt with one secondary and two primary bullets:

De ultimo tambien encontre una granada que tarda 5 segundos en explotar:
Lastly, I also found a grenade that takes 5 seconds to explode:

I also not only found weapons but I also found enemies like the headcrab that is able to control human bodies totally mind but it will not be able to use the brain since it is already controlling it completely:

El barnacle que es una especie de creatura que se adhiere a el techo, cuando alguien toca su lengua empezara a atraerlo ya que su lengua es muy pegajosa y ya que lo agrarre lo comenzara a masticar hasta que ya no tenga vida la presa:
The barnacle is a kind of creature that sticks to the ceiling, when someone touches its tongue it will start to attract it because its tongue is very sticky and once it gets bigger it will start to chew it until the prey is no longer alive:

El tercero es el vortigaunt que tira rayos verdes que pueden dañar a la gente y su aspecto es un humanoide solo que tienen collares verdes y pulseras también:
The third is the vortigaunt that shoots green rays that can harm people and their appearance is humanoid only they have green necklaces and bracelets as well:

De cuarto y ultimo el llamado houndeye que puede chillar y al hacerlo genera una honda sonica que hace daño a cualquier entidad viva:
Fourth and last is the so-called houndeye that can scream and when doing so generates a sonic slingshot that damages any living entity:

Bueno chicos espero que les haya gustado este gameplay estare subiendo otro muy pronto, yo me despido y que la pasen muy bien.
Well guys I hope you liked this gameplay I will be uploading another one very soon, I say goodbye and have a great time.
▶️ 3Speak
Uno de los mejores juegos de la historia muchos siguen en espera de la secuela Half Life 3 tan espera, ojalá y si salga algún día. !ESPIZZA
Si, por la precuela que sacaron osea half life alyx confirmaron half life 3 asi que hay que esperarlo