Age of Conquerst 4 el juego de estrategia
Donde sus batallas pueden durar 1 año
Hello to all my friends from Geek zone, today I want to talk about a game that has been addicting me for the last few days, I am talking about Age Conquerst IV which is a strategy game that we can download for free from the Play Store so if you like games turn-based strategy this game is for you, let's start with this little review.
Este es un juego por turnos que encontré por la playstore, el cual nos da la posibilidad de encarnar al gobernante de un país completo e ir avanzando entre el mapa conquistando territorios y haciendo alianzas con los demás jugadores, también podemos atacar los territorios y saquearlos, los territorios aliados y enemigos, esto es algo que pocas veces se ve en un juego de estas características ya que en la mayoría de los juegos de estrategia cuando eres aliado no puedes tocar a tu amigo pero este juego están salvaje que podrás hacerlo robar a tu amigo, y dejarlo en la ruina todo por el bien del imperio.
Este juego tiene varias opciones para iniciar el juego, ya que puedes comenzar jugando a un solo jugador para ir aprendiendo las estrategias y movimientos que vas a realizar asi como la opcion de multijugador en linea, en la cual podrás invitar a tus amigos a entrar en la misma partida y jugar juntos.
This is a turn-based game that I found on the playstore, which gives us the chance to embody the ruler of an entire country and advance through the map conquering territories and making alliances with the other players, we can also attack the territories and plunder them, the allied and enemy territories, this is something that is rarely seen in a game of these characteristics since in most strategy games when you are an ally you cannot touch your friend but this game is wild that you can make him steal your friend, and ruin it all for the good of the empire.
This game has several options to start the game, since you can start playing a single player to learn the strategies and movements that you are going to carry out, as well as the online multiplayer option, in which you can invite your friends to join the game. the same game and play together.
Claro siempre sera posible crear nuestra cuenta de manera rudimentaria y a la antigua, pero no la recomiendo ya que este juego hace conexion con nuestro playjuegos de nuestro teléfono para almacenar los puntajes que podemos ir ganando a medida que vallamos jugando, tambien la lista de nuestros amigos en otros juegos aparecerán de manera expontanea , esto nos sera de ayuda si queremos iniciar una partida con personas que ya estén jugando este juego , esta es una de las cosas que google playjuegos siempre tubo que me gusto mucho aunque en los últimos años estas funciones no se supieron aprovechar mucho y ahora los juegos tienen sus propia base de datos sobre estos juegos, pero siempre es bueno volver a tecnologías funcionales aunque estén algo abandonadas.
As you can see when entering we can create an account with google, this makes it easier for us when looking for friends to play and to log in since as we do it from a phone it is not necessary to enter passwords since our phone has them stored.
Of course, it will always be possible to create our account in a rudimentary and old-fashioned way, but I do not recommend it since this game connects with our playgames on our phone to store the scores that we can earn as we play, also the list of our friends in other games they will appear spontaneously, this will help us if we want to start a game with people who are already playing this game, this is one of the things that google playgames always had that I liked a lot, although in recent years these functions have not They knew how to take advantage of them and now the games have their own database about these games, but it is always good to return to functional technologies even if they are somewhat abandoned.
As we can see in multiplayer mode it is very crowded, so we will always have people to play the occasional game, in this area we can see the general classification of all the players, the game statistics, the events that the development team can launch so that the players participate, and the options that exist when playing, for example we can join a game created by a person or by the development team or we can create a game ourselves and invite our friends.
This is where the main attraction of the game comes into play, and it is that this game can be played every turn per day if we wish, or play in real time, for lovers of turn-based games it will seem more exciting to play one turn per day , since at the beginning it will surely be boring but as the turns pass we will have so many things to do that a turn that lasts a full day can give you a different way of playing, and this game can be extended to more than 400 turns so you can say that we would last 1 full year playing it depending on the strategy of the people, something very striking if you are a true fan of this style of games.
Para que tengan una pequeña idea de como es este juego , se puede decir que es lo mas parecido a un Risk el juego de mesa de Hasbrok en el cual dominamos un territorio y mediante nuestras tropas vamos atacando y conquistando a los demás territorios.
Al iniciar el juego seleccionamos una civilizacion y automáticamente el sistema nos da un territorio en el mapa en el cual iremos haciendo movimientos turnos por turnos para ir escalando en nuestro objetivo de conquistar todo.
Iremos moviendo nuestras tropas y construyendo torres o edificios para ir mejorando nuestra civilización, a simple vista se ve como un risk pero las opciones que tiene lo hace mas entretenido y potente, ademas de que pueden jugar hasta 18 jugadores, así que entrenamiento vamos a tener para rato.
So that you have a small idea of what this game is like, it can be said that the Hasbrok board game is the closest thing to a Risk in which we dominate a territory and through our troops we attack and conquer the other territories.
When starting the game we select a civilization and the system automatically gives us a territory on the map in which we will be making movements turn by turn to go climbing in our goal of conquering everything.
We will be moving our troops and building towers or buildings to improve our civilization, at first glance it looks like a risk but the options it has make it more entertaining and powerful, in addition to the fact that up to 18 players can play, so we are going to have training for a while.
Como pueden observar comparten muchas similitudes con risk ya que en cada turno podemos mover nuestras tropas o atacar territorios, pero también si optamos por el camino parifico podemos desde crear edificios o fortalecer nuestra armada, Ojala se animen a jugarlo ya que no se van arrepentir si tienen varios amigos pueden juntarse ponerse descuerdo y lanzarse una partida donde cada turno cambia al pasar 1 dia, algo realmente extremo a la hora de meterse en el rol de jugar un juego de conquista de territorios y hacerse pasar por un mandatario de algún territorio.
As you can see, they share many similarities with risk since in each turn we can move our troops or attack territories, but also if we choose the parific path we can create buildings or strengthen our army, I hope you are encouraged to play it since you will not regret it if They have several friends, they can get together and disagree and launch a game where each turn changes after 1 day, something really extreme when it comes to getting into the role of playing a game of territory conquest and posing as a representative of some territory.
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Este me recuerda un poco al que juego en internet que se llama Supremacy1914, que igual puede durar meses una partida y debo estar al pendiente todo el tiempo para saber que estaran haciendo los otros jugadores