Mito urbano: Es fácil para los desarrolladores autodidactas de Python obtener un buen trabajo [ESP / ENG]

in Geek Zone3 years ago

Urban Myth: It's easy for self-taught Python developers to get a good job.

Greetings dear Geeks. After a long absence, I'm here again to share about a very controversial topic that we have in education in recent years. It's a bit about the challenges that self-taught developers are facing and if in fact degrees are a prerequisite to qualify for the most important jobs in TECH companies.
Saludos estimados Geeks. Luego de una ausencia larga, estoy nuevamente por este medio compartiendo sobre un tema bastante polemico que tenemos en la educación, en estos últimos años. Se trata un poco sobre los retos a los que se encuentran enfrentando los desarrolladores autodidactas y si en realidad los títulos son un requisito indispensable para optar a los puestos de trabajo más importantes en las empresas TECH.

Ordinarily programmers in the Python programming language tend to develop fear when it comes to getting their dream job.

Ordinariamente los programadores en el lenguaje de programación Python tienden a desarrollar temor al momento de obtener el trabajo de sus sueños.

Many times because it is a technical skill, recruiters present on Linkedin, can become very specific about the credentials that these developers must possess. If you like, you can perform a simple search on this job portal and you will find out.

Muchas veces por tratarse de una habilidad técnica, los reclutadores presentes en Linkedin, pueden llegar a ser muy específicos en cuanto a las credenciales que deben poseer estos desarrolladores. Si gustas puedes realizar una simple búsqueda por este portal de empleos y te darás cuenta de ello.

We see that the bulk of job offers have as a prerequisite a degree in programming, computer science, systems development, computer science and / or related fields. It is also possible the acceptance of a certificate as a Python developer, granted by a recognized institution on the Internet, as well as the verification of knowledge in this programming language.

Vemos que el grueso de ofertas de empleo tiene como requisito indispensable un título en programación, informática, desarrollo de sistemas, ciencias de la computación y/o afines. También es posible la aceptación de un certificado como desarrollador Python, que otorgue una institución reconocida en internet, así como, la comprobación de conocimientos en dicho lenguaje de programación.

We know that the number of self-taught Python developers is growing every day, all caused by the few qualified teachers to prepare this mass of people, who wish in one way or another, to learn one of the most popular programming languages with the highest remuneration.

Sabemos, que la cantidad de desarrolladores autodidactas de Python poseen un crecimiento cada vez mayor, todo causado por los pocos profesores calificados para preparar a esta masa de personas, que desean de una manera u otra, aprender uno de los lenguajes de programación más populares y de mayor remuneración laboral.

This generates fear and demotivation in these people when applying for one of the dream jobs I mentioned in previous posts. According to a series of surveys conducted by Stack Overflow to software developers in 181 countries at the end of 2021, show us interesting figures that have helped me to support this article.

Esto genera en estas personas miedo y desmotivación a la hora de aplicar a uno de los trabajos de ensueño a los que hago referencia en anteriores post. De acuerdo con una serie de encuestas realizadas por Stack Overflow a los desarrolladores de software de 181 países a finales de 2021, nos muestran cifras interesantes que me han ayudado a respaldar este artículo.

These surveys make up an annual report, the findings of which I would like to share in this space. Out of a total of 83,439 developers surveyed, 60% learned to program through resources available on the Internet. Younger people answered that they learned through free online courses and forums, while those of an older age answered that they obtained knowledge through books, academies and universities.

Dichas encuestas conforman un informe anual, cuyos hallazgos quiero compartir en este espacio. De un total de 83.439 desarrolladores encuestados el 60% aprendieron a programar a través de recursos disponibles en el internet. Las personas más jóvenes contestaron que aprendieron a través de cursos gratuitos online y foros, mientras que los de una edad más avanzada, respondieron que obtuvieron el conocimiento a través de libros, academias y universidades.

The report indicates that 81% of professional developers are employed full time, and when compared to 2020 there is a decrease of 2%. Of these professional developers, who answered that they were independently employed or self-employed increased from 9.5% in 2020 to 11.2% in 2021, indicating potential job insecurity or a shift to more flexible working arrangements.

El informe indica que el 81 % de los desarrolladores profesionales están empleados full time, y si se compara con 2020 se observa una disminución de un 2%. De estos desarrolladores profesionales, que contestaron que eran contratados de forma independiente o autónomos aumentó del 9,5% en 2020 al 11,2% en 2021, lo que nos indica una potencial inseguridad laboral o un cambio a arreglos de trabajo más flexibles.

Another part of the report shows us that programmers are fairly highly educated, of all respondents 65% hold a college degree or bachelor's degree, while about a quarter of respondents hold less than a bachelor's degree.

Otra parte del informe nos muestra que los programadores tienen un nivel educativo bastante elevado, de todos los encuestados el 65% poseen un título universitario o licenciatura, mientras que alrededor de un cuarto de los encuestados poseen menos que una licenciatura.

Is a college degree necessary for an employer to consider you?

Universal tradition says that to demonstrate that an applicant has the knowledge, skills, and attitudes, he or she must have a degree. However, this globalized thinking or idea has been losing steam, following the pandemic by covid-19. During the 2020-2021 period, many educational spaces on the web gained many followers, and for those who were already there it was liberating. We discovered that we could learn elementary programming concepts remotely, and the surprising thing is that Stack Overflow, indicates that developers are learning to write lines of code at younger and younger ages. The survey reveals that around 50% of developers wrote their first code between the ages of 11 and 17, where they have not yet entered a university and already possess advanced knowledge in this area.

¿Es necesario un título universitario para que un empleador te considere?

La tradición universal reza que para demostrar que un solicitante tiene los conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes debe poseer un título. Sin embargo, este pensamiento o idea globalizada ha venido perdiendo fuerzas, después de la pandemia por covid-19. Durante el período 2020-2021, muchos espacios educativos en la red ganaron muchos seguidores, y para los que ya estaban fue liberador. Descubrimos que podíamos aprender conceptos elementales de programación de manera remota y lo sorprendente es que Stack Overflow, indica que cada vez los desarrolladores aprenden a escribir líneas de código a edades más tempranas. La encuesta revela que alrededor del 50% de los desarrolladores escribieron su primer código entre los 11 y 17 años, donde todavía no han entrado a una universidad y ya poseen conocimientos avanzados en esta área.

The big problem employers face is to check such attitudes, because they want to be sure to hire developers who meet advanced business challenges, and for this reason that the degree is still important to them. However, for Nick Larsen, Stack Overflow's lead data engineer, tells us, Regardless of the degree level in the requirement, it's generally OK not to have that degree if you can show a track record of success in the area relevant to the problems you'll be solving in the company.

El gran problema al que se enfrentan los empleadores es la de comprobar dichas actitudes, porque quieren estar seguros de contratar a desarrolladores que cumplan con los retos avanzados empresariales, y por esta razón que el título sigue siendo importante para ellos. Sin embargo, para Nick Larsen, el ingeniero de datos principal de Stack Overflow, nos dice: Independientemente del nivel de grado en el requisito, generalmente está bien no tener ese título si puede mostrar un historial de éxito en el área relevante para los problemas que resolverá en la empresa.

It would seem then that employer companies looking for Python developers rely on subjectivity when writing their requirements for a job by preferring graduates from elite educational institutions. However, large companies such as Google and IBM are considering in some special initiatives, employing people who are trained in bootcamps or other alternative forms of education. In 2019, the New York Times brings us a report where the surge in student demand for computer science courses is far outstripping the supply of professors... The number of college students majoring in the subject doubled, while the ranks of tenured professors increased by just 17%.

Pareciera entonces que las empresas empleadoras que buscan desarrolladores en Python, se basan en la subjetividad a la hora de escribir sus requisitos para un puesto de trabajo prefiriendo a los graduandos de instituciones educativas de élite. Sin embargo, grandes empresas como Google e IBM están considerando en algunas iniciativas especiales, emplear a personas que se forman en bootcamps u otras formas alternativas de educación. En 2019, el New York Times nos presenta un informe donde nos dice que: el aumento en la demanda de cursos de ciencias de la computación por parte de los estudiantes está superando con creces la oferta de profesoresLa cantidad de estudiantes universitarios que se especializan en el tema se duplicó, mientras que los rangos de profesores titulares aumentaron apenas en un 17%.

So is a college degree useless?

Although there is not enough data to answer this question, as a university professor I believe that it would be a mistake for students to abandon their degree to learn on their own. A university degree will always be a requirement, and you may end up as the first choice in one of these companies. The truth is that self-taught developers have a much more difficult time since they must face rigorous tests and the hiring culture of the companies.

¿Entonces un título universitario es inútil?

Aunque no hay suficientemente datos para responder a esta pregunta, como docente universitario opino que sería un error por parte de los estudiantes de estas casas de estudios abandonar su carrera para aprender por sus propios medios. Un título universitario, siempre va a ser un requisito, y posiblemente termines como la primera opción en una de estas empresas. Lo cierto es, que los desarrolladores autodidactas la tienen mucho más difícil ya que deben enfrentarse a rigurosas pruebas y a la cultura de contratación de las empresas.

Goodbye my dear reader, I hope this article, written with much affection, will be to your liking.

Hasta luego mi apreciado lector, anhelo que el artículo realizado con mucho cariño, resulte de su agrado.

I would greatly appreciate your visit to @gerardoguacaran, follow me and value my work.

Agradecería mucho su visita a @gerardoguacaran, seguirme y valorar mi trabajo.

Title image was made by @gerardoguacaran using CANVA and FREEPIK image.

La imagen del Título fue realizada por @gerardoguacaran usando CANVA e imagen de FREEPIK.

The separator is my own, made with PAINT and image from FLATICON.

El separador es de mi propiedad realizado con PAINT e imagen de FLATICON.

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El banner también es de mi propiedad. Realizado con CANVA, la App BITMOJI y el código QR con el generador de TEC-IT

Respecting the copyright of the content, I always include the original link of the source article. If the author does not agree, simply leave a comment below the article, and it will be edited or removed at the author's request. thank you very much! best regards!

Respetando los derechos de autor del contenido, siempre incluyo el enlace original del artículo fuente. Si el autor no está de acuerdo, simplemente deje un comentario debajo del artículo, y será editado o eliminado a pedido del autor. ¡Muchas gracias! ¡Saludos!


This is a very interesting study you have shared with us today. Please allow me to share a few comments with you.

These surveys make up an annual report, the findings of which I would like to share in this space. Out of a total of 83,439 developers surveyed, 60% learned to program through resources available on the Internet. Younger people answered that they learned through free online courses and forums, while those of an older age answered that they obtained knowledge through books, academies and universities

I totally agree with the generation paradigm mentioned there. I tested it on me, colleagues of my age and older, and my students.

The survey reveals that around 50% of developers wrote their first code between the ages of 11 and 17, where they have not yet entered a university and already possess advanced knowledge in this area.

Amazingly enough, I have noticed most people entering the university (at least the physics department in my university) have generally not so advanced knowledge in programming. Of course, this may not be the case for informatics, or other departments. Therefore, I am wondering about the sample of developers targeted (their highest degree, their age, their field of expertise, their precise educational path, etc.). There may be some interesting correlations popping up.

A university degree will always be a requirement, and you may end up as the first choice in one of these companies.

This is totally true. University also teaches us how to think, analyse a problem and solve it. Those are amazing skills, beyond programming. That is definitely a good conclusion for this blog!

Cheers, and it was nice to read your blog (and thus virtually meet you)!

Wow, how nice to read a commentary of this level. I am thrilled that you stopped to analyze several facts in my article. I invite you to visit the source I refer to where I got the data, there you will find many more interesting details, I was particularly fascinated.

This digitized world is demanding universities, schools, professors and authorities to turn their eyes towards new skills needed not only by technology companies, but all jobs that are touched by constant coding needs.

I tell you, for example, the very close case of some friends. One of them is a construction engineer and the other is a graphic designer working in an advertising company, both of them decided to take a bootcamp in U/X Design. With this new skill, they applied to new jobs where they doubled their salary as user experience designers. This gap between what the university teaches us and the needs of the market, we must overcome it by learning computer science.

Thank you for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it, it is an honor for me to meet you too.

I am at your service @lemouth through this medium.

Thanks for your reply. I actually agree with you.

What matters is the sum of all our skills. The advantage of universities is that it equips people with a bunch of (basic as well as less basic) skills, but of course we often need to move further to improve. At the end of the day, if someone's sum of skills is superior to the sum of any other applicant, this someone will probably get the job.


PS: I am looking forward to read blogs in which you would share your expertise! Note that you may want to also consider the STEMsocial community.

Thank you very much for the invitation, from now on you are part of this community.

 3 years ago  

Siempre pense que nunca es tan facil como uno se plantea al inicio, si que puedes tener las habilidades y hasta manejar ingles que es el idioma con el que la mayoria de los proyectos se desarrollan pero hay muchos factores aparte que muchas veces juegan en contra a la hora de encontrar un empleo, me ha pasado a mi seguramente a muchas otras personas en Linkld

Sin duda, hay muchos factores que desfavorecen encontrar buenos empleos. Pero el problema no es la dificultad, es que la mayoría de las veces nos desmotivamos y hasta nos saboteamos a nosotros mismos y dejamos de intentarlo. Aquí la clave es la perseverancia y la debida preparación.

Gracias por tu comentario @cocacolaron

 3 years ago  

Bueno python es un lenguaje que tiene una curva de aprendizaje bastante interesante y con la ayuda de unos frameworks se pueden montar proyectos sólidos. La cosa es que hay que estudiar mucho y estar en constante actualización del conocimiento. Mientras los estudiantes estén en la carrera pueden ir practicando en simultáneo. La disciplina juega un papel importante !PIZZA

Efectivamente, has dado en el clavo!. Una buena gestión del tiempo, estar seguro de uno mismo y la disciplina son habilidades claves para obtener esos trabajos con que soñamos.


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I believe that both approaches (self-teaching and certified teaching) can leave deficiencies in the learner. They can complement each other. There are famous cases of personalities who have left university and founded successful software companies by learning on their own, but statistics are a better reflection of reality.

By the way, check your HTML code, as the rendering in #Ecency is terrible. I was going to ask you if that was intentional and you are exposing a #bug of that frontend :)

Weird issue on #ecency. I reported the issue to the developers.

Thank you very much for this support

Knowledge in this era is very dynamic, the famous cases you refer to not only left the university, but had a vision beyond the time in which they lived, that is their success.

Thank you very much for your comment @eniolw regarding Ecency, I am realizing that several of my articles have the error you indicate, I will proceed to make the appropriate adjustments in the code in my next articles.

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It recently lost its funding, is struggling to get back above the HBD stabilizer proposal, and is in dire need of help.
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