Yoo, I know:( I'm not someone who has used that augmentation much, and since my brain was stuck processing that I should take Vi 3 out, I couldn't buy anything else XD. I had a mental gap :(
You know I had the idea to go straight up to level 8 and start looking for a tier 4 level 3, but I don't know if the augmentation will do the trick despite having leveled up. have you ever tried it?
And thank you very much dude. I'm still not as good as you, but I'm trying haha. Thanks for stopping by my dude <3
It happens all the time in this game, man, haha.
Yeah, you can use this augment like that and it makes a lot of sense but you're also wasting your time getting levels and that can be bad haha. I'm kind of a newbie too. I haven't become a Master like @oldfool yet.
No way brother, you are already a master for a long time uwu, in my heart of course.