A CGI 3D Short Film & Breakdown: "SWAT | Breakdown" - by Mondlicht Studios | TheCGBros

in Blenderlast year
Authored by @TheCGBros

by TheCGBros on TheCGBros
A CGI 3D Short Film & Breakdown: "SWAT | Breakdown" - by Mondlicht Studios | TheCGBros View my bio on BeeToons TV: https://beetoons.tv/c/thecgbros

TheCGBros Presents "SWAT | Breakdown" by Mondlicht Studios - Two police officers, a gas station attendant, and the entire family of a bank employee mysteriously disappeared in a Chicago suburb on Friday. For the second month in a row, people continue to vanish. County Sheriff Thomas J. Dart urges calm amidst these troubling events. It's known that FBI agents have arrived in town, indicating the seriousness of the situation. Sources report that police received numerous calls about a mysterious bright glow at one home in Long Grove. A Spec Ops team has arrived on the scene. The truth is out there. Also a behind-the-scenes breakdown on how the Mondlicht team used Unreal Engine to create it!

Ilya Nodia - Art Director
Ilya Nodia - 3D Generalist
Ilya Nodia - Post-Production
Victor Manin - Director
Victor Manin - 3D Generalist
Victor Manin - Mocap Animation
Victor Manin - Post-Production
Eduard Loskutov - Music & SFX
Dmitry Romanovich - Music & SFX

Software Used: Blender; Unreal, MidJourney

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