Banyak orang mengira menggunakan motor listrik itu praktis dan hemat. Pendapat ini memang nggak salah kalau kita memakainya dengan bijak dan sesuai dengan peruntukannya.
Many people think that using an electric motorbike is practical and economical. This opinion is not wrong if we use it wisely and according to its intended use.
Cuma disini saya mau bercerita pengalaman dalam hal penggunaaan motor listrik milik saya. Sebuah pengalaman konyol yang saya alami kemarin malam. Saya lupa membawa baterai cadangan.
Just here I want to tell my experience in using my electric motorbike. A silly experience that I had last night. I forgot to bring a spare battery.
Waktu itu saya akan mengganti baterai utama motor listrik yang pada saat itu indikator baterai sudah menunjukkan angka tiga puluh lima persen. Nah ketika saya membuka jok motor saya, baru menyadari kalau baterai cadangan yang sudah saya isi penuh dayanya itu ternyata ketinggalan di rumah dan lupa saya masukkan dalam kompartemen baterai cadangan di motor listrik saya.
At that time I was going to replace the main battery of the electric motorbike which at that time the battery indicator had shown thirty-five percent. Well, when I opened my motorbike seat, I just realized that the spare battery that I had fully charged was left at home and I forgot to put it in the spare battery compartment on my electric motorbike.
Yah... kaget dan jengkel juga sih pas lihat kalau baterai yang saya bawa cuma satu. Untungnya sih, waktu saya cek dalam aplikasi Volta ternyata dalam jarak tiga kilometer ada cabinet pengisian baterai milik sepeda motor listrik merk Volta. Untungnya motor listrik saya juga merk Volta, segera saya meluncur kesana.
Well... I was shocked and annoyed when I saw that I only brought one battery. Luckily, when I checked in the Volta application, it turned out that within three kilometers there was a battery charging cabinet for a Volta electric motorbike. Luckily my electric motorbike is also a Volta brand, so I immediately went there.
Untuk mengisi daya baterai di cabinet ini, saya dikenakan biaya lima ribu Rupiah untuk pengisian baterai sampai penuh. Cuma saya saat itu tidak ingin mengisinya sampai penuh, bagi saya cukup sampai posisi daya sebesar enam puluh persen sudah bisa mencapai ke rumah saya. Pengisian hanya butuh waktu setengah jam, karena saya tidak mengisinya secara penuh, dan ketika indikator angka pengisian baterai di aplikasi sudah menunjukkan angka enam puluh persen, segera saya mencabut dan memasangnya ke motor listrik saya.
To charge the battery in this cabinet, I was charged five thousand Rupiah to charge the battery to full. But at that time I didn't want to charge it to full, for me it was enough to reach a power position of sixty percent to reach my house. Charging only took half an hour, because I didn't charge it to full, and when the battery charge indicator in the application showed sixty percent, I immediately unplugged it and plugged it into my electric motorbike. (hpx)
Yah...begitulah, suka dukanya kalau memakai motor listrik. Kadang ada yang bilang enak dan hemat, tapi mereka yang belum pernah memakai motor listrik untuk transportasi sehari-hari mengira begitu. Padahal ada konsekuensinya dan dukanya, ya seperti pengalaman saya ini. (hpx)
Well... that's it, the ups and downs of using an electric motorbike. Sometimes people say it's good and economical, but those who have never used an electric motorbike for daily transportation think so. In fact, there are consequences and sorrows, like my experience.
Note : Translation tool using Google Translate.