Infinite Fleet is a blockchain space strategy MMO still early in development that I've been closely monitoring for a while is slowly moving forward, it's getting new trailers out and more media exposure, right now it is in early alpha. You can get in by buying one of the ships and then you hope for an invite to test the early game out.
What we were all lead to believe that the game will have space combat with capital ships only, this new trailer showed that those capital ships can transform into mega robots, that's kinda cool I think.
I had a feeling something is up with those ship strange designs and yes they made them transform.
Yes all this is still early and looks rough around the edges, but with time this game can become huge, specially with the team's previous games they were working on like Homeworld, Dawn of War, Age of Empires, it's quite a capable team they have.
You can also invest into game and share with the game's profits in the long term by joining their funding site called Have in mind that not all countries are accepted, for example here in Croatia I can't invest into this game even though I definitely would. It's a bummer but I can still play it, so at least that's good.
You can find a lot about the game on their official site and their youtube channel. I will probably be joining this game soon with first hand impressions.
Actually those 3d sci-fi low-poly models are pretty damn cool I swear. In matter of time I'll be posting my 3d works in here, just have to prepare it well for the posting, because that posts will be ultimate.
Hahaha ovo me odmah podsjetilo na onaj klasični block u lijepoj našoj: "This video is not available in your location".
It's a cool looking game definitely, it is the best looking blockchain game by far. You can see that they took a lot of inspiration from Homeworld games. This game is going to be big.
E u ovom slucaju ni VPN ne pomaže.
Nebi tonac bio tonac da nema koje pitanje 😂
Vidis nisam bas upoznat s terminom "blockchain gaming" pa me zanima na kojem principu to ide. Vidio sam i da je onaj Splinterlands (sad ne znam je li to igrica ili vise kao esport) dosta aktualna pa pretpostavljam da se nekaj i zaraduje preko toga.
E i cisto da te obavijestim onaj dan sto sam te maltretirao sa transakcijama i bittrexom, sve sam pohvatao i kupio prvi put u zivotu dio bitcoina od sbd-a. Brutala osjecaj, hvala na pomoci 😎
Blockchain igre sam naziv govori su igre na blokchainu, znaci ingame stvari imaju stvarnu vrijednost u tim igrama, u slucaju Splinterlandsa svaka karta ima svoj svoj unikantni ID i ne možeš ih beskonacno printati, zbog toga Splinterlands karte imaju vrijednost, ima ih tocno određeni broj. Splinterlands ima turnire, al daleko je to od nekakvog esporta zasad i definitivno se da zaraditi prodajom karata ili dobrim plasmanom u turnirima.
Rekoh ti da je sve to veoma jednostavno obavit, samo treba doci do toga i krenit u akciju.
Moram ti rec da stvarno dobra stvar, morat cu se malo bolje s tim upoznat i vidit sta se nudi. Da mi je prije nekoliko godina netko to rekao, gledao bi ga ko luđaka.
Ogromni potencijal je u kripto igrama. Još je rano to sve al s vrimenom ce sve više i više ljudi ulazit u sistem. Nekako su tradicionalne igre manje zanimljive kad odjednom možeš zaradit ozbiljne pare u kripto igrama.
Pa definitivno, prije je opcija bila da budes u (bacam primjer) top 1000 pa mozda i bude neke sanse na turniru/kupu. Barem je tako bilo u moje vrijeme dok sam šamarao po Cod-u 4.
Sve mi se cini da se moram na to prebacit, nema od bloganja kruha 😝