SKYROAD.ME | Farm What You Want Contest | Results

in SKYROAD.ME3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone,

here are the results of the SKYROAD.ME farm what you want contest.

In return for the participation, you guys get either HP(x1),EP(x5). Please tell me always in the contest announcement or ingame, what you want. If you want Hive Power, you don't have to do anything. You can find the initial post about the contest here.

UserEarned PointsPrize

275397.9 (23.04%)5.61 HP
Stachel9000204957.9 (17.15%)4.43 HP 22 EP

155335.2 (12.99%)3.4 Hive
Seb_Senpai154230.4 (12.9%)2.6 HP 13 EP
Nightmare_23124122 (10.38%)2 HP 10 EP

97011.7 (8.12%)1.8 HP 9 EP

61285.3 (5.13%)1.8 HP

46206 (3.87%)1.77 HP 9 EP
J0n_B43281.3 (3.62%)1.6 HP 8 EP

9386.7 (0.79%)1.16 HP
Korbi_rmz6394.1 (0.53%)1.11 HP 6 EP
Dragon_rider664935.55 (0.41%)1.08 HP 5 EP
Almighty_Anubis3703.7 (0.31%)1.06 HP 5 EP
xXPXx3094.45 (0.26%)1.05 HP 5 EP
Killerkomando0452122.25 (0.18%)1.04 HP 5 EP
DasFlyingRobin1665.1 (0.14%)1.03 HP 5 EP
Feuerphoenix99583.3 (0.05%)1.01 HP 5 EP
Melone29_GHG481 (0.04%)0.01 HP 0 EP
Arablu_44439 (0.04%)0.01 HP 0 EP
Azie_44312.7 (0.03%)0.01 HP 0 EP

205.7 (0.02%)0 HP 0 EP
verblassteform6183.5 (0.02%)0 HP 0 EP
renderred51 (0%)0 HP 0 EP
Elena_UwU274546 (0%)0 HP 0 EP

1.5 (0%)0 HP
germanyplayer150 (0%)0 HP 0 EP
IsyK090 (0%)0 HP 0 EP
Total amount1195433.25 (100%)
Farmed thingAmount
obsidian22191 (25.11%)
stone14712 (16.65%)
netherrack14606 (16.53%)
dirt7365 (8.33%)
grass_block6710 (7.59%)
end_stone5156 (5.83%)
deepslate2779 (3.14%)
sand1865 (2.11%)
coal_ore1264 (1.43%)
nether_quartz_ore1203 (1.36%)
gravel1179 (1.33%)
basalt1019 (1.15%)
iron_ore904 (1.02%)
gold_block746 (0.84%)
magma_block717 (0.81%)
cobblestone692 (0.78%)
granite644 (0.73%)
andesite414 (0.47%)
blackstone400 (0.45%)
diorite368 (0.42%)
iron_block347 (0.39%)
air325 (0.37%)
redstone_ore250 (0.28%)
tuff183 (0.21%)
sandstone161 (0.18%)
calcite158 (0.18%)
oak_leaves153 (0.17%)
deepslate_redstone_ore148 (0.17%)
copper_ore147 (0.17%)
deepslate_coal_ore121 (0.14%)
nether_gold_ore115 (0.13%)
amethyst_block105 (0.12%)
oak_log88 (0.1%)
hay_block86 (0.1%)
deepslate_iron_ore79 (0.09%)
birch_leaves74 (0.08%)
acacia_leaves74 (0.08%)
grass56 (0.06%)
gold_ore53 (0.06%)
birch_log50 (0.06%)
diamond_ore49 (0.06%)
oak_planks46 (0.05%)
warped_nylium45 (0.05%)
chest45 (0.05%)
lapis_ore32 (0.04%)
soul_sand30 (0.03%)
fire27 (0.03%)
dripstone_block27 (0.03%)
seagrass21 (0.02%)
sweet_berry_bush20 (0.02%)
sugar_cane16 (0.02%)
red_stained_glass16 (0.02%)
deepslate_diamond_ore16 (0.02%)
deepslate_gold_ore15 (0.02%)
smooth_basalt14 (0.02%)
rail14 (0.02%)
amethyst_cluster14 (0.02%)
deepslate_lapis_ore13 (0.01%)
budding_amethyst13 (0.01%)
ancient_debris11 (0.01%)
wall_torch10 (0.01%)
mycelium10 (0.01%)
jungle_log9 (0.01%)
tall_seagrass8 (0.01%)
cobbled_deepslate8 (0.01%)
brain_coral_block8 (0.01%)
pumpkin7 (0.01%)
glow_lichen7 (0.01%)
beacon7 (0.01%)
soul_soil6 (0.01%)
lily_of_the_valley6 (0.01%)
cocoa6 (0.01%)
chorus_plant6 (0.01%)
redstone_torch5 (0.01%)
cobweb5 (0.01%)
scaffolding4 (0%)
piston4 (0%)
dirt_path4 (0%)
torch3 (0%)
tall_grass3 (0%)
iron_door3 (0%)
fern3 (0%)
crafting_table3 (0%)
vine2 (0%)
tube_coral_block2 (0%)
spruce_trapdoor2 (0%)
spruce_planks2 (0%)
shulker_box2 (0%)
purpur_stairs2 (0%)
pointed_dripstone2 (0%)
oak_slab2 (0%)
oak_fence2 (0%)
horn_coral2 (0%)
fire_coral_block2 (0%)
ender_chest2 (0%)
dandelion2 (0%)
white_carpet1 (0%)
warped_fungus1 (0%)
tripwire1 (0%)
sunflower1 (0%)
stone_brick_stairs1 (0%)
stone_brick_slab1 (0%)
spruce_leaves1 (0%)
redstone_wall_torch1 (0%)
purple_bed1 (0%)
poppy1 (0%)
polished_blackstone_bricks1 (0%)
piston_head1 (0%)
orange_shulker_box1 (0%)
oak_trapdoor1 (0%)
mossy_cobblestone1 (0%)
melon1 (0%)
lever1 (0%)
kelp_plant1 (0%)
kelp1 (0%)
horn_coral_block1 (0%)
farmland1 (0%)
deepslate_copper_ore1 (0%)
chiseled_stone_bricks1 (0%)
cave_air1 (0%)
bubble_coral_wall_fan1 (0%)
brown_mushroom1 (0%)
bell1 (0%)
bedrock1 (0%)
Total amount88380 (100%)

Thank you for participating in the contest!

I will do more of these contests in the future, be sure to follow me to get more updates, if you want.

You have any ideas for other Minecraft based contests? Let me know your unique idea in the comments.

Have a great week. =)


War ein nices Event, gerne wieder!