Fathers are superheroes


This image is mine

The role of a father can never be underestimated in the family.
It is a very good thing and very encouraging to see a father striving to make his family happy.
Seeing a hardworking father usually encourages the children and the family members to be determined, focused, and selfless.
There are some characteristics that can make one know or be able to identify fathers who are superheroes.

A father who is a superhero helps people and not be wicked to them. They usually help their family members or other people around them, and they usually bear the burdens of others, and they make sure people around them are at peace.

A father who is a superhero usually demonstrates a story of victory. A father always shows victory in the family and for the children. They always show victory in all their endeavors and tell a victorious story for the children. They do this to live a good story for their children so that, it will be an encouragement for their children also.

This reminds me of what my father used to tell me some time ago. He usually said Son, you have to work hard for you to succeed and you must take care of your family with all that you have, and they must not lack. These usually serve as an encouragement for me to strive more to be able to make my own life and family better. They serve as a provider for the family. This also makes them serve as a role model to the children and the entire family member.


This image is mine

They have sympathy and empathy for all people around them.
They usually bear other people's burdens including their family members. They always look after the people around them and this is one of the things that makes them superheroes because this attribute cannot be found in ordinary people.
Empathy is another attribute of fathers who are superheroes, they always because they always enter into another person's feelings.

A father who is a superhero always demonstrates spirituality and not carnality. They always show their children the way of God and the right part they're expected to follow and uphold the faith of their religion.
This is what some fathers basically in Africa usually do for their children. At a very tender age, they usually instruct their children to observe some prayers according to the beliefs of their religion. This has made them impact some cultural traditions and moral values to develop their children's ethics of how to behave and deal with people around them.

A superhero father always protects his family against dangers and attacks. They played a very role in securing the family and they made sure everyone in the family was at peace.

A superhero father is a disciplinarian, they always sets down rules and regulations for the children so that they will not go the wrong way, and when they grow they will not derail from it.
They always helped the children to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong with correction. Likewise, they stand as an educator in the family, they teach their children life skills, values, and knowledge.

It is a very good thing to have a father who is a superhero and who is ready to make sacrifice for the children and the family. Thank God for the fathers i have around me.

This is my entry for day 16 June inleo prompt
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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Fathers are real heroes.
Their role can never be underestimated just as you've said. This post is awesome, every father who reads this must be proud.

They played a very vital role

Sure about that, it's never negotiable.

These are great qualities of a father who wants to be a superhero; showing empathy, love, care, be spiritually sensitive etc. These attributes shows they are true heroes.
The resemblance with you and your dad is just too much. Lol

Sincerely, black is beautiful 😍

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