Hello my beautiful HIVE community, receive from me a huge greeting full of positive energy and good vibes, I am very happy to be back with all of you. Today I want to write about a wonderful being, from whom I have obtained only love, affection, protection, but above all strength and teaching to move forward; and this person with all these qualities can not be more than my beautiful mother; I hope you like it.

Mi madre se llama Eloina del Jesús Astudillo tuvo seis hijas vive en Maturín cuenta con 74 años de edad, vive cómodamente en su humilde casa y aun teje chinchorros de nailon un arte que aprendió de su madre y con el cual salio adelante, para criar a sus seis hijas, las cuales colaboraban en el quehacer del hogar, para que su madre cumpliera con los encargos que le hacían de los hermosos chinchorros que ella teje y que son bastantes recomendados entre los turistas y personas que buscaban este tipo de artesanías.
My mother's name is Eloina del Jesús Astudillo, she had six daughters and lives in Maturín, she is 74 years old, she lives comfortably in her humble house and still weaves nylon hammocks, an art she learned from her mother and with which she got ahead, to raise her six daughters, who collaborated in the household chores, so that her mother could fulfill the orders she received for the beautiful hammocks that she weaves and that are highly recommended among tourists and people who are looking for this type of handicrafts.

Con el trascurrir del tiempo mis hermanas y yo nos fuimos formando académicamente y luego nos convertimos en profesionales y aunque hemos querido que nuestra madre se mude de este lugar ella siempre se ha negado y ha mantenido su decisión de quedarse en su casa en donde se hizo fuerte como mujer, como madre y sin saberlo como emprendedora por sus hermosos tejidos que han cruzado los limites y las fronteras de su ciudad natal. Aunque mi madre actualmente cuenta con 74 años de edad es una mujer activa, independiente, de pensamiento jovial que continua tejiendo sus chinchorros no para cumplir con un encargo sino como por hobby, algo que le permite mantenerse útil y con una mente y una fortaleza física increíble.
With the passing of time my sisters and I were formed academically and then we became professionals and although we have wanted our mother to move from this place she has always refused and has maintained her decision to stay at home where she became strong as a woman, as a mother and unknowingly as an entrepreneur for her beautiful fabrics that have crossed the limits and borders of her hometown. Although my mother is now 74 years old, she is an active, independent, jovial thinking woman who continues to weave her chinchorros not to fulfill an order but as a hobby, something that allows her to remain useful and with an incredible mind and physical strength.

Cabe destacar que ha pesar de su condición de salud mi madre es una caja de sorpresas hasta realiza bailo-terapias por las noches cerca de su casa, en compañía de sus vecinas, unas mujeres mas jóvenes que ella y para ello se activa con su mejor atuendo deportivo, con su bolso, termo, pañito y otros artículos necesarios para cumplir con esta actividad física, la cual le ayuda a mantenerse en forma y con muchas energías para cumplir con su rutina diaria de una adulta mayor capaz de desenvolverse sola, teniendo presente que sus hijas también son su fortaleza emocional y por lo cual trata de mantenerse fuerte y dispuesta para cuando la visiten y deseen compartir con ella aventuras y momentos felices antes de acurrucarse junto a sus hijas, nietos, bisnietos y tataranietos en algunos de sus bellos chinchorros, los cuales ha tejido con gran dedicación y amor para ellos.
It should be noted that despite her health condition my mother is a box of surprises, she even performs dance-therapies in the evenings near her house, in the company of her neighbors, women younger than her, and for this she activates herself with her best sports attire, with her bag, thermos, handkerchief and other necessary items to fulfill this physical activity, which helps her to stay in shape and with lots of energy to fulfill her daily routine of an older adult able to manage on her own, Keeping in mind that her daughters are also her emotional strength and that is why she tries to stay strong and ready for when they visit her and wish to share adventures and happy moments with her before snuggling with her daughters, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren in some of her beautiful hammocks, which she has knitted with great dedication and love for them.

Sin duda alguna mi madre es la mejor del mundo no tiene comparación con nadie ella es única, autentica, fuerte, valiente, responsable y luchadora entre otros atributos que la describen, este ser tan especial ha dado todo en pro del bienestar y la educación de sus hijas y aun lo sigue haciendo. Un ejemplo a seguir por las generaciones futuras a mi madre le debo todo lo que soy y lo que he aprendido su fortaleza me ha enseñado que nada es imposible; en este mundo no existen palabras para describir a este ser tan fantástico que la vida me regalo, la cual ha estado allí siempre que la he necesitado, sus palabras y consejos se escuchan a través de mi oído como la música mas bella que nunca antes había escuchado.
Without a doubt my mother is the best in the world she is unique, authentic, strong, brave, responsible and fighter among other attributes that describe her, this special being has given everything for the welfare and education of her daughters and still continues to do so. An example for future generations to follow, to my mother I owe everything I am and what I have learned, her strength has taught me that nothing is impossible; in this world there are no words to describe this fantastic being that life gave me, who has been there whenever I needed her, her words and advice are heard through my ear as the most beautiful music I had never heard before.
Hoy doy gracias infinitas a la VIDA, por otorgarme el privilegio de estar todavía al lado de mi madre, este es el mejor obsequio que he podido recibir y el cual he cuidado y conservado a través de los años como el tesoro mas preciado que he podido tener. Los consejos de una madre nunca están demás mas bien son muy sabios y oportunos nos apartan de un grave peligro a futuro; tomemos en cuenta que las madres son personas que han vivido mucho mas que nosotros y conocen mas de la vida; por eso no debemos hacer caso omiso de sus consejos.
Today I give infinite thanks to LIFE, for granting me the privilege of still being next to my mother, this is the best gift that I have been able to receive and which I have taken care of and preserved through the years as the most precious treasure that I have been able to have. A mother's advice is never too much, it is very wise and opportune, it keeps us away from a serious danger in the future; let's take into account that mothers are people who have lived much longer than us and know more about life; that is why we should not ignore their advice.

Para finalizar este majestuoso post; les quiero decir que madre solo hay una y que debemos de cuidarla, respetarla, quererla y acompañarla hasta el ultimo día de su vida; ya que este es el ser que nos dio la vida, nos cuido, nos amamanto, nos enseño a caminar y a leer entre muchas otras cosas, que solo una madre con su infinito amor nos pudo dar. Para mi el tener a mi madre es mas que un privilegio; y aunque ella hoy cuida de mi y se preocupa por mi salud, deseo en un futuro no muy lejano yo ser la que cuide de ella; para que de alguna u otra forma pueda retribuirle ese gran amor incondicional que solo ella me puede brindar.
To end this majestic post; I want to tell you that there is only one mother and that we must take care of her, respect her, love her and accompany her until the last day of her life; since this is the being that gave us life, took care of us, breastfed us, taught us to walk and read among many other things, that only a mother with her infinite love could give us. For me to have my mother is more than a privilege; and although today she takes care of me and worries about my health, I wish in the not too distant future to be the one who takes care of her; so that in some way or another I can repay her that great unconditional love that only she can give me.

Mi vieja adorada no se lo que haría si algún día me faltaras eres mi bastón, mi fortaleza, eres la ayuda idónea que toda persona quiere tener a su lado, siempre tienes esas palabras de aliento, para cambiar todo cuando creemos que no hay salida, quien no puede aferrarse a la vida si tu eres el vivo ejemplo de vida cuanto te amoooo madre no quiero siquiera imaginar lo que seria de mi si me faltaras eres y siempre seras mi eterno amorrrr.
My beloved old lady, I don't know what I would do if someday you were gone, you are my cane, my strength, you are the ideal help that every person wants to have by his side, you always have those words of encouragement, to change everything when we believe there is no way out, who can not hold on to life if you are the living example of life, how much I love you mother, I do not even want to imagine what would become of me if you were gone, you are and always will be my eternal love.
Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad capturadas con mi teléfono inteligente ZTE BLADE A3.
All photos are my own taken with my ZTE BLADE A3 smartphone.