Hola gente hermosa de esta Comunidad! 🤗
Hello beautiful people of this Community! 🤗
En nuestro camino por la vida nos encontramos con múltiples personas, con diferentes actitudes, personalidades, prioridades y metas.
On our path through life we meet multiple people, with different attitudes, personalities, priorities and goals.
Esas personas las conseguiremos dentro y fuera de nuestra familia. Algunas van aportar cosas buenas a nuestra vida y otras no tanto. Debemos rodearnos de las personas que nos sumen, que nos motiven a
We will get those people inside and outside our family. Some will bring good things to our lives and others not so much. We must surround ourselves with people who join us, who motivate us to be better people every day and be our best version.
Hay que aprender alejar a esas personas que en vez de sumar nos están restando. Y no digo que de un dÃa para otro los apartemos o dejemos de hablarles, aunque hay casos extremos en lo que eso serÃa lo mejor, pero, no soy psicóloga y hablo desde mi experiencia, aprender a marcar los lÃmites y a identificar esas personas, creeme evitará muchos inconvenientes.
We must learn to distance those people who, instead of adding, are resting us. And I'm not saying that from one day to the next we separate them or stop talking to them, although there are extreme cases in which that would be the best, but, I am not a psychologist and I speak from my experience, learning to set limits and identify those people, believe me. . It will avoid many inconveniences.
Hay una teorÃa que dice qué: "Eres el promedio de las 5 personas que te rodean". Y esta teorÃa nos invita a reflexionar y analizar nuestro entorno con quiénes somos más frecuentes, que aportan ellos para nosotros y que aportamos nosotros para ellos.
There is a theory that says: "You are the average of the 5 people around you." And this theory invites us to reflect and analyze our environment with whom we are most frequent, what they contribute to us and what we contribute to them.
El grupo de amigos en el que me encuentro es un grupo que no solo es para reÃr, tenemos nuestros momentos de seriedad, de enfoque y de crecimiento. Es el tipo de grupo en el que podemos hablar sobre crear un negocio, hacer un curso, realizar alguna actividad de crecimiento personal, es aquel grupo donde puedes desahogarte sin temor a ser juzgado por tus problemas, el que te va a apoyar cuando amerites, pero también te dirá tus verdades en la cara cuando sea necesario.
The group of friends I am in is a group that is not only for laughter, we have our moments of seriousness, focus and growth. It is the type of group in which we can talk about creating a business, taking a course, carrying out some personal growth activity, it is that group where you can vent without fear of being judged for your problems, the one that will support you when you need it, but he will also tell your truths to your face when necessary.
Rodeate de personas que SUMEN, pero tú también debes SUMAR en la vida de ellos.
Surround yourself with people who ADD, but you must also ADD in their lives.
Estar en un grupo asà te motiva a crear proyectos y es este tipo de cÃrculos los que te llevan poco a poco al éxito. Y no estoy diciendo que no tienes que juntarte con fiesteros porque puedes ser fiestero y aún asà estar enfocado en crecer. Hay un tiempo para todo
Being in a group like this motivates you to create projects and it is these types of circles that lead you little by little to success. And I'm not saying that you don't have to hang out with partiers because you can be a partier and still be focused on growing. There is a time for everything
Hoy quise hacer esta publicación porque estoy orgullosa de mis amigos, de los logros personales y académicos que hemos obtenido como grupo y como personas. Estamos a solo pasos de lograr una de nuestras metas ¡Si se puede! 😊.
Today I wanted to make this publication because I am proud of my friends, of the personal and academic achievements we have obtained as a group and as people. We are just steps away from achieving one of our goals. Yes, we can! 😊.
Los amigos y la familia forma parte vital de nuestra formación como persona, si algo que hagan ellos te hace daño debes decÃrcelos, si ellos no te toman en cuenta el comentario eso debe darte una señal🚩. Y es allà cuando debemos tomar decisiones que aunque duelan es para el bien de nuestra mente, porque ella se desgasta, se cansa y es entonces cuando empiezan los problemas serios.
Friends and family are a vital part of our formation as a person, if something they do hurts you you should tell them, if they do not take your comment into account that should give you a sign🚩. And that is when we must make decisions that, although they hurt, are for the good of our mind, because it wears out, gets tired and that is when serious problems begin.
Que sumen y no resten ! Se siempre tu mejor versión y rodeate de aquellos que te motiven a seguir dando lo mejor de ti, que fomenten tus éxitos, que celebren tus logros, que compartan tus penas, con los que puedas comer un dÃa sushi y al otro reÃrse porque solo hay pan con mantequilla, que sean parte del proceso de crecer.
Let them add and not subtract! Always be your best version and surround yourself with those who motivate you to continue giving your best, who encourage your successes, who celebrate your achievements, who share your sorrows, with whom you can eat sushi one day and laugh the next because there is only bread and butter, that are part of the process of growing.
Feliz inicio de Febrero 🎉 Mes del Amor y la amistad 💞
Happy start to February 🎉 Month of Love and friendship 💞
Translation done with Google translator
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It is good when you can find your tribe.
Yeah, you feel like you are in the right place when you get your tribe 😊
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I am happy for you, you are in the great place surrounding you to growing up. And we have to try to avoid toxic people 😊
Thank you ! 😊 We should all have that great place in our lives, seek our peace of mind and not be afraid to walk away from what is not good for us.
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