Beach time!

in Family & Friends7 months ago

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¡¡Un weekee-saludo a todos los Hivers!! El sábado salí con todo mi grupo de amigos a la playa y la pasamos como nunca, literalmente.

Cuando planeamos salidas grupales suele oponerse hasta la cosa más mínima del universo al éxito de ellas; desde problemas comunes como el cambio de tiempo, un resfriado o una mamá muy sobreprotectora hasta cosas como una visita inesperada a algún compañero, una alarma que no sonó o una dirección o fecha mal entendida. El asunto es que siempre sucede algo, sin fallas.

Pero ese sábado fue místico, no faltó ninguno de mis amigos, la playa estaba muy limpia y tranquila y el cielo espectacular.

Era nuestro día y finalmente nada en absoluto estuvo en su contra. Fue afortunado ya que me voy para otra escuela en septiembre y tal vez no los vuelva a ver en un largo tiempo...

Nos lanzamos agua unos a los otros, montamos caballito para empujarnos y caer, y por turnos nos impulsamos al aire para hacer saltos. Ya habiendo agotado esa energía del momento nos pusimos a conversar de nuestras vacaciones hasta que nos dió hambre. Después del almuerzo entre varios cavamos un hoyo enorme en la arena para enterrar a un voluntario. Terminamos haciéndole cuerpo de sirena.

El sol fue bajando su intensidad, aprovechamos para bañarnos sin ser fritos y gozar otra vez. A eso de las 4 pm ya estábamos recogiendo todo para irnos. Abajo hay una foto del grupo hecha por mí.

Fue una bonita experiencia :3

A weekee-greeting to all Hivers!! On Saturday I went out with my whole group of friends to the beach and we had fun like never, literally speaking.


Whenever we plan group outings, even the smallest thing in the universe gets in the way of the plans' success; well, common problems like the weather changes, a cold or an overprotective mom are understandable, but things like an unexpected visit to a classmate, an alarm that didn't go off or a misunderstood address or date... The point is that something always happens, without fail.

But that Saturday was mystical, none of my friends were missing, the beach was very clean and calm and the sky was spectacular.




It was our day, and finally nothing at all was against it. It was fortunate as I am leaving for another school in September and may not see them again for a long time....


We threw water at each other, rode on others shoulders to push ourselves and fall, and took turns propelling each other into the air to do jumps. Having exhausted the energy of the moment, we chatted about our vacation until we got hungry. After lunch we dug a huge hole in the sand to bury a volunteer. We ended up making him the body of a mermaid.


The sun was lowering its intensity, we took that opportunity to bathe without getting fried and enjoy again. At about 4 pm we were already packing up to leave. Here is a picture of the group taken by me.

todos ok.jpg

It was a nice experience :3

Beach photos by me using my phone. English by me.

weekee goodbye.gif


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En un grupo grande la diversión es mayor. Lindas fotos

Tiene mucha razón!
Gracias ✨

A volunteer mermaid 😂
It reminds me of my niece, we also have a photo when we covered her body with sand a few years ago, just not the head of course, and then she became a mermaid too 🧜🏼‍♀️

Great! I've always been scared of getting covered in it... And I don't really know why. Though, If I sometime get to try, I really expect it to itch a lot.

I'm not really a fan of sandcastles, but burying people in sand is so fun :)