Festive Cheers and Classmate Bonds: A Joyful Christmas Celebration

in Family & Friends2 days ago
Authored by @Apple Jane

Hello, everyone. I'm your @applejane and will tell stories to unlock.
Brown & Beige Aesthetic Friendship Photo Collage (5).png

In today's blog, it's kind of different. I never share with you about my classmates/ friends last 2022. Well, here it is. So let me introduce myself to all of you who am I last 2022 ( Grade 12). I am the class president in our room and also a school representative for our section. I am the one who facilitate and empower my classmates to do better( my classmates are way more different that other senior students). Our batch is literally the best ( not academically). But in terms of happiness, I will always choose them. We may not achieve a perfect grades like others do, but I promise, we are the best and some teachers won't forget us. (We are trouble makers)

We celebrated Christmas together. And I was happy since it's my last time in senior high school. We brought a packs of Jollibee since it's our favorite meal of all time. Some gifts to give to our Monita/Monito. For some reason, I kind of miss them. All the memories that we shared will always remain in my heart.

Look at our table, it's full of gifts and foods. It's the best when the table will get full with these. I love being the one who arrange some things. And I miss them.

Before we started to dig in, we first prayed since we're in a Catholic School, it's essential for us to pray every moment, every class, and every exams. We prayed and thanking the blessings that we had at that time. And after that, we took a photo.


Look at us. Celebrating Christmas Party. Every time that I stare of these pictures, I'll get teary. Because we had a lot of memories that will always remembered. The bond we shared and also the fights when things getting harder. But we fix.

Even it's a simple celebration, we still appreciate the effort the efforts that we gave to one another. It's funny because when we ate at that time, we always talked the things that are funny and the things that we did when the principal and even the teachers were mad
Reminiscing the memories will always got me.

Having the best classmates will always made you special. Even the smallest thing that they will give you, you will directly appreciate it. When times get boring, talk to your classmates, then they will make you laugh. That's how you make friendship. You can also see your classmates as your friend and even your own family. You'll see each other everyday and always talk, share emotions and shared identity. Be good always to your friends and be humble.

How about you? Do you have any moments with your classmates? Like celebrating christmas party?