A Weekend of Family Time

Hello friends and Hivians. I hope you all are doing great. I'm good despite a few set backs that happened this weekend. I would still not trade the experience I had this weekend because of those.

It all started Friday as my son and I got in my car and headed to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. We left at a bit after 2:00 p.m. and arrived at my mother's house shortly before 5:00 p.m. The original plan was to leave sooner but teenage boys are not always prepared, haha.



Well my sister, Kathy was putting on a small dinner for us at 6:00 p.m. In attendance was her boyfriend, my other sister, my mother, my son, and Kathy's friend including her father. Kathy recently added to her fur family. Here's Gracey a chocolate lab that doesnt have a jumping filter yet, hehe. She joins company with Maggie (white lab) and Allie (black lab).

I wonder if Gracey was in the kitchen area thinking she was going to get that first piece of Lasagne on the stove,haha. Well the Lasagne was so good paired with some garlic knot bread to go along with it. Above is my first plate, I did have a second because I didn't want to see it go to waste, ok?




After dinner we all found an area to chill at. Conversations were had, games of cribbage were played, electronic devices were out, and someone did the dishes. Yes the dishes were done by me. Now it was an easy job as I just rinsed them off and placed them in a dish washer. Maybe Allie and Maggie found humor in that. Hey feed me and I will be helpful 😃

Sometime later some frozen treats were offered. There were choices between ice cream cones,ice cream sandwiches and chocolate covered ice cream bars. Many chose the cones as I did too. Now when it was time to leave someone grabbed an ice cream sandwich to go. I won't mention who but they they felt it was a form of payment for helping out after dinner.

Saturday was welcomed by a breakfast I made. Just had two others to serve, my mother and son. My mother offered but I didn't let her because it's her 80th Birthday this day. A simple breakfast just two over easy eggs, toast and some sausage links.

Now what happened after breakfast was a little frustrating. I went to my car to head out to get my mom a birthday card and some local scratch lottery tickets. I got in my car and tried to turn it over and it wouldn't do anything. At this time my mother and sisters were already gone at a hotel to set up a meeting room for the birthday party. My sister's boyfriend brought over a trickle charger and we hooked it up on my car's battery. Jumper cables were in my sisters car so he gave me ride to the party.




We arrived shortly before 11:00 and quite a few of the invited guests were already there. Well the good thing is all the invited guests ended up showing up. A small celebration of about 20 people. Most were friends and former co-workers of my mother.




The food was really good and the menu was chosen by my mother. My sisters and I had the food catered. A lot of left over food as well because the minimal amount that could be purchased was for 50 people. It was offered to guests to take home if they wanted. Some took us up on that but there was still plenty left so I took some home as well.



It didn't take long for everyone to load there plates. What was served was roast beef,corn and mashed potatoes with gravy.There was water and Hawaiian punch available to drink. A good meal indeed.


Once everyone was finished with lunch we all sang Happy Birthday to my mother. Than it was cupcakes for dessert while my mother opened all her gifts. Once gift opening was done it was picture time with 80th Birthday celebrant. Picture was taken by sister's boyfriend with my phone.

After clean up we headed back to my mom's place. First thing I did was check out my car. I took charger off and it started right up. The last two days my car has been acting pocessed. Theres some weird things happening and I have to bring it in to have it diagnosed.

I headed to a store to get a birthday card and some stratch lottery tickets. I brought son with me and he sat in car as I went in. I just didn't want to shut car off and take a chance that it might not start. I bought $20 of scratch tickets and later my mom would win $122 off of them 😃

Saturday was a busy day and I also had one other happening. I did find some time to Hive a little bit but I forgot to power up ending my streak of HPUM at four. Oh well birthdays are only once a year and to have 80 of them is remarkable. I feel there might not be many more so I didn't let this or my car problems ruin the fun I had with my mom and others on her birthday.




Sunday was kind of a lazy go feel day. Before I left to go home I headed to my sister's house. Most of us were tired and that included the dogs as well. I spent about an hour there and didn't stay longer because I wasn't going to fall into the sleepy trap. I said my good byes until the next time which I hope is really soon.

I had a great time this weekend spending time with family and others. It was definitely worth the drive up and it was one of those times I wish I could have stayed for much longer.

Take care, stay safe and enjoy the rest of the week. Until next time!


Hey happy birthday to your mom. Greetings to her ❤️
Well, you made me craving for lasagna! I never eat them almost 5 years 😅
So difficult to find good place for that ehehe

Thank you that's a big birthday to celebrate. Oh Lasagne it was delicious and it's been a minute since I have had one this good. Sometimes the ones made in a house kitchen are the best 😃

Eyyyy, happy birthday to your Mom. She surely had a great day with you all with this special celebration with you, the whole fam and the guest. There still some leftover? I'll happily bring a take home of them, if ever, lol. 🤤

Thank you 80 a big number. Yes a great time this weekend now time to deal with the car 😔 I wish I could of stayed for a much longer time.

Oh the left overs so much. I was given so much that I could give away to a few. My sister has just as much also. I had to freeze some of it because there's no way I could consume all of it before it goes bad. Maybe i need to set up a roast beef stand, hehe.

Too bad you can't stay much longer. When will y'all get another chance to have this amazing sweet moments. But well, Christmas is just around the corner, so it will happen sooner. Time flies really fast nowadays. . God much with the car 😆

Haha you should set up, give it to some passerby or maybe those who meeds it 🤓

Oh the car I very much need it. Hopefully I'll be back before XMAS, maybe for the celebrated Thanksgiving Day here.

How nice to have a great family reunion! Your mother’s important birthday was so lovingly organised and everyone joined in the celebration.
You are a great help in the kitchen so you should be rewarded with more ice cream!

Thank you I had a blast it was nice catching up with everyone. Hehe I can be useful for some ice cream 🍦 😋

Happy birthday to your mom and looks like it was worth the drive 😊 to have turned 80 must've been such an awesome feeling.

Thanks and she doesn't believe it. She has one of the best things still, her mind. It was much worth the drive everyone had a great time!

Adorable labradors <3 and happy birthday to your mom.

Thanks the puppy was wild. Dang can she jump, haha.

Blessed birthday to your mother♥️. You have great fun bonding with them and doing the dishes after😛.
Your car is giving you trouble nowadays. Maybe it's time to change😁😬.

Thank you it was a great weekend not only the occasion but catching up with all. Haha you see I can be domestic and the food was good and I figured that would be a good way to show appreciation. I did more dishes at my mother's place also.

The car, grr but I can't afford another one or trade it in owe too much on it. I'll have to take a loan probably to fix it as the brakes are going out as well.

Have a great rest of your week Asia :-)


Hehehe, thank you😁. I can feel you in showing appreciation. I will appreciate those things but I'm too lazy to show it😁😛.

Now you don't dine and dash away from the kitchen afterwards do you? Haha 🤪

Sometimes I do, if there's someone else to clear those things.😌😬

Looks like a great b-day you put on for your mom, I bet she loved it. What a nice weekend though, get out of town and see the family. I always wish those trips were longer, I know how you feel!

Yup.too short but it was well worth the short road trip. We all had a great time.

I wanted to get my car in today but Verizon was down all day long at work. Finally came back online around 5 p.m. I'll get it in soon I think I have brake issues as well. Car issues come in bunches sometimes.

Happy birthday to your mom.. 😊
Been busy these days, I missed this blog..

Thank you it's was a lot of fun this past weekend. Oh no worries I have been busy as well and haven't been my normal readings self.

Yesterday I thought of you because of a post you made not so long ago. My phone and internet provider was done for 8 hours. Made things a little difficult, hehe.


Ohh so nice, Happy Birthday to your mom! Really those moments with family, celebrating these special days are priceless, at the end we realize those people are with us and we are with them. Hope she will celebrate many more parties with the family and cared people around!!🤗💖
Happy week amigo!!

Thanks Amiga. A busy weekend that went by way too fast. Hopefully I visit with them very soon again 😃


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Hey, Amigo, I really enjoyed your blog and seeing you with your family. Happy belated birthday to your mum! 😃
I love lab dogs, they are so smart. And as for the battery on your car, what's going on? Wasn't it new?

Great that your mum won on those plays. A very fair birthday present.

Thanks she feels much younger than she is. She's Thankfull for being here and is happy she has her mind and youthful spirit.

Yes that breed of dog is indeed smart and they love to play.

Oh the car when the keys are out:

(1) My fob doesn't work despite newer batteries
(2)The auto locks lock for a split second than return to open
(3) wipers will run unless I turn them off
(4) A/C and heater fan still runs, the light on the temperature controls won't shut off

So yes it's got a personality without the keys. I can shut them all off but the one light still glows. A friend of friend said it's probably a wire somewhere. Had no luck finding a place as my internet and phone provider service were down much of the day, Verizon Wireless.

Glad you enjoyed and I hope you have a great evening.

By today you must have taken some of the personality out of that car by finding the wire.

😂 I thought of you today because my sister bought two scratch-offs. She tried to explain to me but I didn't understand much. She says she got at least $5 back

Friday is the day I take my car back, haha. Also need brakes done.

Hehe scratch tickets my mom loves those. When she got around better she use to do bingo once a week. She's not addicted but does budget for it. I mean it's kind of entertainment for her. She might buy $10 of them at a time every once in awhile.

It was nice reading the article about family time. Happy Birthday 💐 to your Mom. Celebration with Mom, son and sisters, variety dishes, togetherness in celebration with family and friends should have made your day. Good 👍 A gathering is always a must

Thank you, I agree things like this is good for everyone 😃 Hopefully I'll be back very soon.

Well-spent weekend, fun, memorable and amazing. A Belated Happy Birthday to your mom ❤️

Your car though, maybe it was just having a tantrum, lol! Joke aside, hoping it's not too serious. It's nice that you didn't let it ruin your fun :)

Thank you it was a great time. Yes, a big birthday such as the big 80 I had to let the worries of everything else wait for another day. These type of milestones don't happen often and who knows how many more she will have. I also had the opportunity to go fishing but I passed on it because i chose to spend the whole day with her. It was nice catching up with everyone something I wish I could do more frequently.

Oh the car a few things wrong that will cost a good chunk of change to fix. I actually requested to take a loan against my saving plan (like a 401K) because it's going deplete what I currently have available.

Take care and have a great week ahead 😊


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Belated happy birthday to your mom and the foods makes me hungry lol. That dogs was so adorable.