A new trip, a meeting with old friends, part two. [SPA/ENG]

Buenos días comunidad hace poco compartí un post de un viaje que hice la semana pasada aquí les traigo la segunda parte. Sinceramente, al día siguiente de que termino la fiesta de gala, nos tocó a cada uno ponerse unas camisas que repartieron para ese día cada uno ponérsela ese día, casualidad me pare temprano y termine de arreglarme rápido así que aproveche y salí a caminar un rato, mientras iba caminando me encontré a una chica que iba conmigo en el bus.

Good morning, community. Recently I shared a post about a trip I took last week, here I bring you the second part. Honestly, the day after the gala party ended, we each had to put on some shirts that were distributed for each one to put on that day. By chance, I stopped early and finished getting ready quickly, so I took advantage and went for a walk for a while. While I was walking, I met a girl who was with me on the bus.

Sinceramente, vi que era una mañana preciosa y de verdad me provoco tomarme algunas fotos así que le pedí el favor que me acompañara, el nombre de ella es Annie y la verdad ella me decía que me conocía, pero sinceramente yo no me acordaba 🤣🤣🤣, pero bueno nunca es tarde para empecé desde cero aproveche y mientras estábamos con las fotos me puse a hablar con ella para conocerla después de eso me encontré con una de mis mentoras la cual se llama Yohana y me dijo que también quería fotos, ya que ese día era el penúltimo para poder estar allá en 5J así que aproveche y como andaba con ella fui a tomarme una foto con el dinosaurio 🤣🤣🤣 porque no podía porque estaba muy lejos de todo y no quería tener problemas, pero como ella era una de las encargadas de supervisar aproveche la palanca 🤣🤣🤣 de verdad pude aprovechar y disfrutar del paisaje.

Honestly, I saw that it was a beautiful morning, and it really provoked me to take some photos, so I asked her for a favor to accompany me. Her name is Annie, and the truth is, she told me that she knew me, but honestly, I didn't remember. But hey, it's never too late to start from scratch. I took advantage, and while we were taking the photos, I started talking to her to get to know her. After that, I met one of my mentors, whose name is Yohana, and she told me that she also wanted photos. Now, that day was the penultimate day to be able to be there in 5J, so I took advantage, and since I was with her, I went to take a photo with the dinosaur 🤣🤣🤣 because I couldn't because it was very far from everything and I didn't want to have problems, but since she was one of those in charge of supervising and took advantage of the lever 🤣🤣🤣 I was really able to take advantage and enjoy the landscape.

Al terminar con el almuerzo y una pequeña devocional nos dijeron que ese día era la fiesta basada en los años 70, pero antes que tendríamos una serie de actividades en las cuales todas las compañías iban a competir cada una de las cabañas iba a contar como una estación en la cual se debería realizar un ejercicio y dependiendo de cuanto nos tardáramos se nos iban a dar una cantidad de puntos la compañía que reuniera más puntos ganaba, eran alrededor de 10 estaciones la primera que nos tocó era de llenar una serie de vasos de agua y pasar una pelota a través de ellos y si alcanzábamos el tiempo nos daban 5 puntos si no nos daban menos dependiendo el desempeño tristemente nos pasamos de los 5 minutos, pero nos dieron una cantidad de puntos razonables hubo muchas más como adivinanzas utilizar un ula ula dar en el blanco y otras más, pero honestamente ya no me acuerdo 🤣🤣🤣.

At the end of lunch and a small devotional, they told us that that day was the party based on the 70s, but before that, we would have a series of activities in which all the companies were going to compete, each of the cabins was going to count as one. Station in which an exercise should be carried out, and depending on how long it took us, we were going to be given a number of points; the company that collected the most points won. There were around 10 stations, the first we had to fill a series of glasses of water and pass a ball through them and if we reached the time they gave us 5 points if not they gave us less depending on the performance sadly we went over the 5 minutes, but they gave us a reasonable amount of points there were many more like riddles use a ula ula hit the target and others, but I honestly don't remember anymore 🤣🤣🤣.

Después de eso todos fuimos a vestirnos para la última fiesta basada en los 70, por mi parte como no tenía ropa que encajara, me puse, fue una camisa que me había comprado y un pantalón blanco para poder verme bien, lastimosamente era la última noche así que aproveche para pasarla lo mejor posible para bailar y pasar un buen rato, baile junto con mi hermana lastimosamente no pude bailar mucho con una amiga que conocí, pero bueno hice mi mejor esfuerzo.

After that we all went to get dressed for the last party based on the 70s, for my part, since I didn't have clothes that fit, I put on a shirt that I had bought and white pants so I could look good, unfortunately it was the last night So I took the opportunity to have the best time possible to dance and have a good time, I danced with my sister. Unfortunately I couldn't dance much with a friend I met, but hey, I did my best.

Después de eso aproveché parte de la noche para echar broma y fui a buscar a mi compañero, pero como nos costó conseguirlo en un lugar tan grande 🤣🤣🤣.

After that I took advantage of part of the night to joke and went to look for my partner, but how difficult it was for us to find him in such a big place 🤣🤣🤣.

Después de eso llego el último día para despedirse sinceramente aproveché al máximo el poco tiempo que me quedaba para poder hablar y despedirme de mis amigos sinceramente no me quería ir de ese hermoso sitio, pero bueno me despedí de cada uno para no tener remordimientos porque cada uno vive lejos y bueno este es mi post espero les allá gustado feliz día.

After that, the last day arrived to say goodbye. I sincerely made the most of the little time I had left to be able to talk and say goodbye to my friends. I honestly didn't want to leave that beautiful place, but well, I said goodbye to each one so as not to have regrets because each one lives far away and well this is my post I hope you liked it happy day.

*Todas las fotos son sacadas de mis redes sociales.

*All photos are taken from my social networks.


Hola amigo. Se nota que disfrutaste bastante y qué bueno que te conseguiste una nueva amiga que casualidad iba en el mismo bus donde viajabas, bueno eso fue Dios que te la puso en tu camino.
Saludos, lindo post

Looks like it was a fun day, memorable as well and posting it on Hive makes it forever.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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