Reunion of Friends.[SPA/ENG]

Buenos días comunidad como están como se encuentran? Hoy quería comentarles de una experiencia que tuve este lunes, como dice el título del post me reencuentre con un amigo de hace tiempo, dicho amigo se llama Brian, una de las razones por las cuales me alegre mucho verlo es porque pasamos por muchas cosas en un tiempo en el que decidí irme de casa, ya saben estirar las alas y volar ¿Por qué decidí irme en ese momento? Resulta que en ese momento estaba sin empleo y coordine para ir a trabajar en valencia y como vivo lejos de allí coordine para irme a vivir en san Joaquín con él y un señor llamado Veliz y con su primo llamado orlando el cual tristemente no pudo asistir a esta pequeña reunión.

Good morning, community. How are you? Today I wanted to tell you about an experience I had this Monday. As the title of the post says, I met up with a friend from a long time ago. My friend's name is Brian. One of the reasons why I was very happy to see him is because we went through a lot of things in a time when I decided to leave home, they already know how to stretch their wings and fly. Why did I decide to leave at that moment? It turns out that at that time I was unemployed, and I arranged to go to work in Valencia and since I live far from there I arranged to go live in San Joaquín with him and a man named Veliz and with his cousin named Orlando who sadly could not attend this little meeting.

Aparte de que conseguí trabajo para mí en ese tiempo también conseguí trabajo para ellos, en ese periodo de tiempo íbamos y veníamos de valencia muchas de esas veces no contábamos con pasaje y era difícil, pero teníamos que trabajar, recuerdo que perdí la cuenta de cuantas veces le pedía la cola al colector sin mencionar que nos costaba conseguir el pasaje porque el trabajo lastimosamente era si no vendíamos no cobrábamos, pero bueno hicimos nuestro esfuerzo porque queríamos montar un negocio de ventas, y por eso nos esforzábamos hubo un día que nos tocó caminar 15 kilómetros para llegar a casa porque no teníamos pasaje 🤣🤣🤣 solo teniamos para agarrar una camioneta y el resto del trayecto toco caminar, cuando nos montamos en la camioneta recuerdo que estabamos sedientos y queriamos algo dulce y frío en pocas palabras un helado 🤣🤣🤣, ese día el primer vendedor ambulante que entro al bus fue uno que vendia rufles picantes 🤣🤣🤣 y como teniamos hambre nos tocó.

Apart from the fact that I got a job for myself at that time, I also got a job for them. In that period of time, we went to and from Valencia. Many of those times we did not have a ticket, and it was difficult, but we had to work. I remember I lost count of how many times I would ask the collector for the line without mentioning that it was difficult for us to get the ticket because, unfortunately, the job was if we didn't sell, we didn't get paid, but well, we made our effort because we wanted to set up a sales business, and that's why we made the effort. There was one day when we had to walk 15 kilometers to get home because we didn't have a ticket. We only had to grab a truck, and the rest of the way we had to walk. When we got in the truck, I remember that we were thirsty, and we wanted something sweet and cold—in a few words, ice cream 🤣 🤣🤣, that day the first street vendor that entered the bus was one who sold spicy rufles 🤣🤣🤣 and since we were hungry it was our turn.

Imagen de smellypumpy en Pixabay

Recuerdo que casi no las podíamos comer porque estaban super picantes y teníamos la lengua seca 🤣🤣🤣 y lo peor de todo fue que después entro el heladero 🤣🤣🤣 y ya no teníamos dinero sin mencionar el otro trayecto que nos tocó caminar esa noche. Ese día llegamos casi a las 10 de la noche cansados 🤣🤣🤣 esa fue una de las cosas que pude vivir con mi hermano no me extiendo porque son varios cuentos 🤣🤣🤣 después de eso decidí volver a mi casa y desde entonces tengo casi un año sin saber casi de él.

I remember that we could hardly eat them because they were super spicy and our tongue was dry 🤣🤣🤣 and the worst of all was that later the ice cream man came in 🤣🤣🤣 and we no longer had any money not to mention the other distance we had to walk that night. That day we arrived almost at 10 at night tired 🤣🤣🤣 that was one of the things that I was able to experience with my brother I won't go into detail because there are several stories 🤣🤣🤣 after that I decided to return home and since then I have almost a year without hardly knowing about him.

Imagen de Steve Buissinne en Pixabay

Una de las razones por las que decidí irlo a ver fue que me tenían un cable que tenía que recuperar si o si porque mi madre me lo estaba pidiendo desde hace un año y tenía que conseguirlo para no tener problemas coordinamos vernos en la plaza para recoger el cable, después del trabajo decidí dirigirme al lugar acordado, pero vi que todavía él no estaba allí llame varias veces de un teléfono que me habían prestado, pero no caía la llamada y eso me preocupaba porque pensaba que no vendría, pero para mi sorpresa si llego, después de entregarme el cable decidimos charlar un rato, estuvimos hablando de todas las anécdotas que vivimos entre esas las que les acabo de contar, hablamos del progreso que he tenido como panadero y sobre los otros trabajos que he tenido el también me contó sobre las cosas que había echo y como estaba su sobrino viendo una iguana decidimos tomarle una foto y que cosa la iguana hasta poso para la foto, dije esa iguana es más fotogenica que yo 🤣🤣🤣.

One of the reasons why I decided to go see it was that they had a cable that I had to get back, no matter what. Because my mother had been asking me for it for a year and I had to get it so as not to have problems, we arranged to meet at the plaza to pick it up. The cable, after work I decided to go to the agreed place, but I saw that he was still not there, I called several times from a telephone that they had lent me, but the call did not pick up and that worried me because I thought he would not come, but to my surprise If he arrived, after giving me the cable we decided to chat for a while, we were talking about all the anecdotes that we lived among those that I just told you, we talked about the progress I have had as a baker and about the other jobs I have had, he also told me About the things he had done and since his nephew was looking at an iguana we decided to take a photo and what did the iguana even pose for the photo hahaha, I said that iguana is more photogenic than me 🤣🤣🤣.

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Aprovechamos y disfrutamos de la gran plaza a la cual tenía tiempo sin ir, aprovechamos y nos comimos unos besitos de coco, los cuales estaban sabrosos acordamos vernos nuevamente para jugar y bromear un poco nos tomamos unas últimas fotos como recuerdo y decidimos irnos después de eso llegue a mi casa y le conté a mi familia como me había ido y aparte entregue en cable de internet porque queremos poner internet en mi casa y necesitábamos ese cable, agradezco al lector por su paciencia al leer este post les deseo feliz día.

We took advantage and enjoyed the large square, to which we had not been for a while. We took advantage and ate some coconut kisses, which were tasty. We agreed to meet again to play and joke a little. We took some last photos as a souvenir and decided to leave after that. I got home and told my family how it had gone and also delivered the internet cable because we wanted to put internet in my house, and we needed that cable. I thank the reader for their patience in reading this post. I wish you a happy day.

*Todas las fotos fueron tomadas de mi telefono y las imagenes sacadas de la version gratuita de pixabay con sus respectivas fuentes.

*All photos were taken from my phone and the images were taken from the free version of Pixabay with their respective sources.


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