Walking for Valencia.[SPA/ENG]

¿Hola amigos como están? Hace no mucho estuve en Valencia junto con mis amigos y pasamos la noche por allá al día siguiente como teníamos que comprar algunas cosas decidimos quedarnos y pasar el rato en la iglesia que asistimos pudimos ver una pequeña clase al terminar quería salir a comprar unas cosas y con mi amigo Cristhian aprovechamos y fuimos al centro.

Hello friends, how are you? Not long ago, I was in Valencia with my friends, and we spent the night there the next day. As we had to buy some things, we decided to stay and hang out at the church we attended. We were able to see a small class, and at the end, I wanted to go out and buy some things. With my friend Cristhian, we took advantage and went to the center.

Estábamos en búsqueda de un chip para mi teléfono y también él quería comprar algo para comer, lastimosamente como todavía no he logrado sacar mi cédula debido a que se me perdió tuvimos que salir de la agencia Movistar con las manos vacías, pero eso no nos detuvo ni a mí ni a él, así que fuimos a la tienda de ropa y pude comprar un short después como teníamos hambre de verdad estábamos buscando que comer.

We were looking for a chip for my phone, and he also wanted to buy something to eat. Unfortunately, since I still haven't managed to get my ID because I lost it, we had to leave the Movistar agency empty-handed, but that didn't stop us. Neither me nor him, so we went to the clothing store, and I was able to buy a pair of shorts. Later, since we were starving, we were looking for something to eat.

Había tantas opciones para elegir que era algo complicado honestamente, pero se nos ocurrió como teníamos tiempo sin comer arroz chino decidimos comprar para los cuatro yo me compré un paquete y él se compró uno más grande para su novia y para él y como andaba un amigo con nosotros decimos darle a él también.

There were so many options to choose from that it was honestly a bit complicated, but it occurred to us that since we had time without eating Chinese rice, we decided to buy it for the four of us. I bought a package, and he bought a larger one for his girlfriend and for himself, since a friend was there. With us, we say, give it to him too.

La verdad es que las cosas a veces no salen como uno se lo espera, ya que mi plan era irme temprano a mi casa, ya que tenía que hacer una diligencia, pero debido a que me desperté tarde no pude hacerla y ellos me convencieron para quedarme 🤣🤣🤣 y la verdad es que no me arrepiento porque pudimos pasar un buen rato jugando ping-pong y comiendo aproveche y conocí a más personas y disfrutar al máximo la experiencia para conservar los recuerdos agradezco al lector por llegar hasta aquí les deseo una feliz semana.

The truth is that sometimes things don't go as expected, since my plan was to go home early, since I had to run an errand, but because I woke up late, I couldn't do it, and they convinced me to stay 🤣🤣🤣 and the truth is that I don't regret it because we were able to have a good time playing ping-pong and eating. I took advantage, met more people and enjoyed the experience to the fullest to preserve the memories. I thank the reader for coming this far. I wish you a Happy week.

*Todas las fotos fueron tomadas de mi telefono Redmi 9.
*All photos were taken from my Redmi 9 phone.