Celebrando el cumpleaños de mi prima y mejor amiga 🌻😍[ESP-ENG]


Feliz noche amigos. Hoy es la primera vez que publicare en esta comunidad y quiero dedicarle este post a mi prima-hermana, mejor amiga, comadre y compañera de aventuras. Tenemos toda la vida compartiendo y esto infinitamente agradecida de tenerla en mi vida. Por parte de mi mamá no tuve hermanos pero ella ha sido mi hermana mayor. La que me regaña algunas veces, me apoya en los momentos difíciles y disfrutamos de ser las mejores amigas. Ayer fue su cumpleaños y como trabaja no pudimos hacer nada. Pero hoy salimos a comer y a celebrar su vida.

Good night friends. Today is the first time that I will publish in this community and I want to dedicate this post to my cousin-sister, best friend, comadre and companion of adventures. We have a lifetime sharing and I am infinitely grateful to have her in my life. On my mother's side I had no siblings but she has been my older sister. The one who scolds me sometimes, she supports me in difficult times and we enjoy being best friends. Yesterday was her birthday and since she works we couldn't do anything. But today we go out to eat and celebrate her life.


Agradezco tanto ternerla en mi vida y yo vendo tortas así que decidí prepararle un mini cake con su color favorito el amarillo. Ella no le gusta que le canten cumpleaños pero si comer torta. Me encanta verla feliz con los pequeños detalles que prepare para ella.

I am so grateful to have her in my life and I sell cakes so I decided to make her a mini cake with her favorite color, yellow. She doesn't like people singing her birthday, but she does like to eat cake. I love seeing her happy with the little details I prepare for her.


En esta salida aprovechamos de comer sushi. Es una tradición que tenemos cuando alguna de las dos cumplimos años vamos s a comer sushi. Es una de nuestras comidas favoritas.

On this outing we took advantage of eating sushi. It is a tradition that we have when one of the two celebrates our birthday we go to eat sushi. It is one of our favorite foods.


No podíamos dejar de tomarnos una foto juntas. Ella es mayor que yo por dos años. Somos tan unidas y de verdad que ella es como un ángel en mi vida. Estoy tan agradecida de que sea mi familia. Mi mamá no pudo darme hermanos pero me dió una prima realmente maravillosa y que amo con todo mi corazón.

We couldn't stop taking a picture together. She is older than me by two years. We are so close and she is really like an angel in my life. I am so grateful that she is my family. My mom couldn't give me siblings but she gave me a really wonderful cousin that I love with all my heart.


Antes de terminar nuestra salida fuimos a un supermercado y había girasoles que es su flor favorita. Le compré uno y como siempre le digo ella merece mucho más que eso.

Before finishing our outing we went to a supermarket and there were sunflowers which is her favorite flower. I bought her one and as I always tell her she deserves much more than that.


Esta foto me encanta tiene 21 años que la tomaron y siempre hemos sido muy unidas.

I love this photo, it is 21 years old that they took it and we have always been very close.


I love it! That childhood photo is the best what a treasure it is!

That is one of my favorite photos. And she is one of my favorite people! Just today she asked me about you. She always remembers you!💖

Tell her I send hugs and kisses!

I'll do it with pleasure. Already in October Alejandro will be 3 years old and she always remembers the gift you sent

Que bellas🥰😍

Te amo. Gracias por estar en mi vida😍❤️
