Por que es tan difícil querer y entender a los ancianos? // Why is it so difficult to love and understand the elderly?

in Family & Friends7 months ago

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La verdad es que ese no es mi caso. Yo suelo escucharlos y dejar los tranquilos con lo que siente y creen. Es dificil llevarles la contraria y no ganas nada al respecto.

Mi motivación para este escrito es por mi familia. Tengo a mis dos abuela vivas ( gracias a Dios) materna y paterna.

Con la abuela paterna vivimos al rededor de 24 años. La convivencia era fuerte en momentos y a ella le gustaba decir las cosas en la cara, o sea sacar las cosas que no se deberían. Yo en esos momentos no le prestaba atencion porque es una manera de desahogo.

Pero por otro lado, estaban mis hermanos que no les gustaba, sobretodo al menor. Y son de esos que no la llaman, no la visitan, y no agradecen.

Ahora, con mi abuela materna, no hemos convivido bajo el mismo techo de esa manera. Solo hemos ido de visita, puesto que ella vive con mi tía, mi tío y mis primos.

Ella si es mas terca, le gusta decir lo que siente y le parece. Y que le hagan caso a lo que dice. Opina mucho en la vida de todo el mundo.

La convivencia en esa casa es una locura verdadera. Por cosa lógica ella no se siente bien con las cosas que suceden o no suceden. Y a mi tía y mi prima les cuesta darse cuenta de lo que pasa y dejar tranquila a la señora.

Todo esto viene a raíz de que mi maita ( abuela materna) cumplió 89 años hace unos días atrás. Y ella le dijo a mi tía que no quería que nadie la fuera a visitar y que no le cantaran cumpleaños.

Para mi eso significa descontento con las personas al rededor. Pero si ellos no son capaces de darse cuenta y solo molestarse con mi maita, es difícil. Sabes, cada quien con su cada cosa.

En definitiva, todos cambiamos, sobretodo los ancianos. Solo tenemos que darle cariño y estar allí aunque no lo quieran, aunque sea a distancia. No es necesario discutir para ver quien tiene la ropa, ni tratar mal.

Yo espero que de verdad las personas puedan entender que es necesario una buena relación con la familia, sobretodo en vida.

Te agradezco por quedarte a leer. Saludos y bendiciones.


The truth is that this is not my case. I usually listen to them and leave them alone with what they feel and believe. It's hard to disagree with them and you don't gain anything from it.

My motivation for this writing is because of my family. I have both my maternal and paternal grandmothers alive (thank God).

We lived with my paternal grandmother for about 24 years. The coexistence was strong at times and she liked to say things in the face, that is, to say things that should not be said. I didn't pay attention to her at those times because it was a way to let off steam.

But on the other hand, there were my siblings who didn't like it, especially the youngest. And they are the kind that don't call her, don't visit her, and don't thank her.

Now, with my maternal grandmother, we have not lived under the same roof in that way. We have only gone to visit, since she lives with my aunt, my uncle and my cousins.

She is more stubborn, she likes to say what she feels and what she thinks. And she likes to be listened to. She has a big say in everyone's life.

Living together in that house is really crazy. Logically, she doesn't feel good about the things that happen or don't happen. And my aunt and my cousin have a hard time realizing what is going on and leaving the lady alone.

All this comes from the fact that my maita (maternal grandmother) turned 89 a few days ago. And she told my aunt that she didn't want anyone to visit her and not to sing birthday to her.

To me that means dissatisfaction with the people around her. But if they're not able to realize that and just get upset with my maita, it's hard. You know, to each his own.

Ultimately, we all change, especially the elderly. We just have to give them love and be there even if they don't want it, even if it's from a distance. It's not necessary to argue to see who has the clothes, or to treat badly.

I hope that people can really understand that a good relationship with the family is necessary, especially in life.

Thank you for staying to read. Greetings and blessings.

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