¡Hola Gente!
En la semana de San Valentin tuvimos muchas actividades, entre ellas la reinauguración de la piscina familiar.
Mi prima Nancy hace unos cuantos años construyó una piscina en su patio, decoró hermoso el lugar y este espacio se convirtió en nuestro punto de reuniones, cumpleaños y celebraciones.
Es un lugar cerrado, privado, al aire libre donde creamos hermosos y divertidos recuerdos.
Su inauguración fue en una Semana Santa entre 2015 y 2016 y recuerdo que toda esa semana estuvimos ahí, cada tarde nos reuníamos y lo único que hacíamos era disfrutar. Se hacían sopas, parrillas y la pasábamos excelente, incluso los 15 años de mi prima se celebraron allí.
No tengo fotos de esos momentos porque todo quedó en una antigua computadora. Mi prima Nancy nos envió un mensaje al grupo de whatsapp para que nos reunieron el domingo 16 a comernos una rica sopa y disfrutar de la piscina otra vez.
Hi People!
During Valentine's week we had many activities, among them the reopening of the family pool.
My cousin Nancy built a pool in her backyard a few years ago, decorated the place beautifully and this space became our spot for gatherings, birthdays and celebrations.
It is an enclosed, private, outdoor place where we create beautiful and fun memories.
Its inauguration was in an Easter Week between 2015 and 2016 and I remember that all that week we were there, every afternoon we gathered and the only thing we did was to enjoy. Soups, grills were made and we had an excellent time, even my cousin's 15th birthday was celebrated there.
I don't have pictures of those moments because everything was left in an old computer. My cousin Nancy sent us a message to the whatsapp group to get together on Sunday the 16th to eat a delicious soup and enjoy the pool again.
Las instrucciones eran que cada quién llevara sus tazas, cucharas y vasos para no tener que estar lavando nada en el momento.
Cuando llegué a la piscina ya mi familia estaba ahí, algunos incluso estaban comiendo.
Saludé y entregué mis tazas a Nancy quién con cariño me sirvió mi sopa y la de Luis.
Yo llevé también un refresco para compartir, nos dieron arepa pelada (la cual amo y tenía muchísimos años sin comer) y limón.
Mi mamá nos sirvió refresco y nos sentamos a comer, como siempre, entre risas y cuentos porque eso en mi familia no falta.
The instructions were for everyone to bring their own cups, spoons and glasses so as not to have to wash anything on the spot.
When I arrived at the pool my family was already there, some were even eating.
I greeted and handed my cups to Nancy who lovingly served me and Luis my soup.
I also brought a soft drink to share, they gave us peeled arepa (which I love and had not eaten for many years) and lemon.
My mom served us soda and we sat down to eat, as always, amidst laughter and stories because my family never lacks that.
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La sopa estaba deliciosa, estaba espesa y fuerte de sabor, como me gusta.
La arepa le daba el toque final y aunque solo fue una taza todos quedamos completamente satisfechos.
Mientras reposábamos recordábamos anécdotas en la piscina y aunque no está igual que cuando se construyó la primera vez, mi prima quiere dejarla igual e incluso mejor. El piso tenía grama y habían muchos arboles que brindaban una sombra divina, esos arboles no están y la grama se secó, pero, mi prima tiene un vivero así que se asignó la tarea de poco a poco ir sembrando y haciendo arreglos naturales.
Iniciaron de a poco con algunos materos y flores en algunos arboles y esquinas del terreno.
The soup was delicious, it was thick and strong in flavor, just the way I like it.
The arepa gave it the final touch and although it was only one cup we were all completely satisfied.
While we rested we remembered anecdotes in the pool and although it is not the same as when it was built the first time, my cousin wants to leave it the same and even better. The floor had grass and there were many trees that provided a divine shade, those trees are gone and the grass dried up, but my cousin has a nursery so she assigned herself the task of planting and making natural arrangements little by little.
They started little by little with a few plants and flowers in some of the trees and corners of the land.
Mis primitas se bañaban en una piscina plastica pequeña pero cuando vieron que entramos a la grande no volvieron a mirar la suya.
La mayoría de mi familia se quedó fuera de la piscina conversando, pero otros decidimos entrar.
El agua estaba divina y como es una piscina espaciosa se disfruta de la mejor forma.
En el agua estaba mi primo, con su hija Emely, un compañero de trabajo de Nancy con su esposa e hija, mi mamá, mi prima Paola y su hija Amber, mi primita Genesis y yo.
Genesis es una niña que no conoce el miedo y estar dentro de esa piscina para ella era algo divertidisimo.
My little cousins were swimming in a small plastic pool, but when they saw that we entered the big one, they didn't look at theirs again.
Most of my family stayed outside the pool chatting, but some of us decided to go in.
The water was divine and since it is a spacious pool it was the best way to enjoy it.
In the water was my cousin, with his daughter Emely, a co-worker of Nancy's with his wife and daughter, my mom, my cousin Paola and her daughter Amber, my little cousin Genesis and me.
Genesis is a little girl who knows no fear and being in that pool was a lot of fun for her.
Después de unas dos horas dentro de la piscina decidí salir para que mi primita Genesis también saliera ya que si me veía dentro no saldría por nada del mundo.
Mi familia seguía en las sillas conversando, me sumé a una de estas conversaciones y entre esas caímos en la conversación de nuestras manos, principalmente las manos de mi prima Albanis, son muy graciosas porque son pequeñas y gorditas y siempre nos han causado gracia.
No perdimos la oportunidad de tomarnos una foto de los dedos meñiques para comparar los tamaños y esto nos causó muchísima risa porque el dedo índice de Albanis es del tamaño de mi dedo meñique.
After about two hours in the pool I decided to get out so that my little cousin Genesis would also get out because if she saw me in the pool she would not come out for anything in the world.
My family was still in the chairs chatting, I joined one of these conversations and between those we fell into the conversation of our hands, mainly the hands of my cousin Albanis, they are very funny because they are small and chubby and have always caused us grace.
We didn't miss the opportunity to take a picture of our little fingers to compare sizes and this caused us to laugh a lot because Albanis' index finger is the size of my little finger.
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Así pasamos varias horas conversando y pudimos observar un hermoso atardecer que el cielo nos regaló.
Nos encantó estar ahí y poder disfrutar esa tarde juntos, rodeados de familia y amigos cercanos.
Estos son los momentos que mas valoro y que más agradezco, después de estar 5 años lejos de mi casa y mi gente, estar aquí creando nuevos recuerdos es hermoso y me llena de felicidad.
Gracias por leer este post y compartir conmigo.
We spent several hours talking and watching a beautiful sunset that the sky gave us.
We loved being there and being able to enjoy that afternoon together, surrounded by family and close friends.
These are the moments that I value the most and that I am most grateful for, after being 5 years away from my home and my people, being here creating new memories is beautiful and fills me with happiness.
Thank you for reading this post and sharing with me.
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Que delicia compartir con la familia y la reinauguración de la piscina familia!
Totalmente amiga!!