There is nothing richer and more rewarding that makes me happier and fulfills me as a person to share and enjoy every minute with my family. That is why I always try to spend as much free time with my family as possible, enjoying their company and giving them all my love.
This Sunday was no exception, because even though it was something unplanned, it happened in a natural way and it was a super entertaining day in family company.
Este día me encontraba en casa acompañada de uno de mis pequeños, pues mi niña más pequeño había salido que pasé con su abuela paterno y mi esposo estaba trabajando cuando recibí una llamada de mi madre que me preguntó por la salud de mi niña pues días anteriores había estado con fiebre luego me atravesó la invitación de parte de mi hermano para compartir en su casa un almuerzo familiar, sin dudarlo dos veces acepté y terminé de preparar las cosas que estaba revisando en casa para salir a casa de mi hermano.
This day I was at home accompanied by one of my little ones, my youngest daughter had gone out with her paternal grandmother and my husband was working when I received a call from my mother who asked me about my daughter's health since the previous days there had been I had a fever and then I was invited by my brother to share a family lunch at his house. Without hesitation I accepted and finished preparing the things I was checking at home to go out to my brother's house.
Cuándo me preparaba para salir llegó mi esposo de trabajo así te esperamos se cambiara para que de una vez se fuera con nosotros a casa de mi hermano y a llegar mi hermano estaba pelando y cortando las verduras para realizar unas ricas sopa de res, es muy típico de nosotros los venezolanos para disfrutar una recta sopa los fines de semana y si es en familia es mucho mejor.
Mi hermano de igual manera invitó a mi mamá, a mi padre quién estaba trabajando y a otra de mis hermanas que también vive cerca.
When I was getting ready to leave, my husband arrived from work, so we waited for him to change so that he could go with us to my brother's house and when he arrived my brother was peeling and cutting the vegetables to make some delicious beef soup, it is very typical. of us Venezuelans to enjoy a straight soup on the weekends and if it is with the family it is much better. My brother also invited my mother, my father who was working and another of my sisters who also lives nearby.
While my mother was in charge of making the soup in the reverberatory, my sister-in-law and I were in charge of making some delicious corn arepas to complement the soup. Finally, the soup was just right, we proceeded to share the soup first for the little ones and then for the older ones, some of us sat at the table to enjoy these delicious soups that were actually super good. And both the children and the Adults were completely satisfied, so much so that they had made a paper jar of lemon for after the meal and so we couldn't drink it.
El contenido en esta publicación es totalmente original y Todas las Fotos son de mi autoría y fueron tomadas con mi Celular Redmi 9After the meal we sit down to talk and enjoy a pleasant time with the family or these best moments in life are those we spend in the company of those who are part of our lives and that we love with our soul and our heart. And that's how this Sunday I was able to enjoy and share with family.
The content in this publication is completely original and all the photos are my own and were taken with my Redmi 9 cell phone.
nada mejor que un hervido de res, y mas en familia, saludos...
Así es amiga, 🙂