Greetings dear and appreciated friends, happy start of the week, wishing you that this is a week full of many blessings for all, today I go through this beautiful family community to share with all of you a very pleasant evening of family sharing.
For those who have already gone the opportunity to read I always tell you how important my family is in my life, if it were up to me I would not take off from them for a moment, and that my best moments are in family togetherness.
I have always taught my little ones to value the little moments no matter how much or how little we can give them at that moment, because the most important thing is to be together.
These pictures that I share with you today are from an afternoon last week when my husband came home from work, without any planning he invited my little ones to eat ice cream, because thank God it had gone well, so we just got ready and went out.
We went to a place very close, in the same town, a beautiful ice cream shop, pocicleria as it is also known, when we arrived we sat at a table while my husband chose and brought the ice cream.
The children were happy, the truth was we had a good time that we did not take the children to eat ice cream, each one took their ice cream, the children had ice cream and cone and for my husband and me ice cream popsicles, a rich crunchy cake, and we began to enjoy them, I am not really an ice cream lover but one from time to time if I like and more when you share with your loved ones..
I took the opportunity to take many pictures for our family album and to share with all of you, here we enjoyed a couple of super nice and enjoyable hours, I loved this moment and every picture.
It is so tasty to enjoy an impromptu family outing , without being a celebration or special day. i felt very happy.
The content in this publication is completely original and all the photos are my own and were taken with my Redmi note 13 cell phone.