endowment cross-posted this post in Family & Friends 10 months ago

A mourning family

in #archon10 months ago (edited)

When a woman is married in Africa, she becomes a member of her new family which is her husband's and vice versa. So yesterday being the 31st day in the month of May had not really been a happy day in my new marital family. My brother- in -law who has been battling with bowel inflammatory disease and stage one kidney disease died on the 30th of May and was laid to rest yesterday


. It's been a very sad and unhappy day day as the deceased was a very loving, hardworking and caring husband, father and brother -in-law. Each time he visited, he made sure he helped me with dishes and some house chores his health condition could permit him do. He left behind a wife and two babies. Please sympathise with us in this moment of grief as we look up to God the author and the finisher of our faith.