Es un placer siempre leerte, me recuerdas a mi papa en la forma de hablar y en como ves el mundo y las relaciones, es sus letras veo tanto valor, tanta ética, tanta moral que es maravilloso que en este momento del mundo todavía existan personas así. Particularmente vengo una una familia muy chica, porque mis padres son huérfanos así que no tuve más afectos que mi hermano y mis padres y nunca tuve la necesidad de llamar a nadie ni tíos ni primos porque sabia que no lo era, sin embargo tengo personas que quiero mucho y aunque no son familia las siento como si así lo fueran aunque no les adjudico ningún vinculo porque no los necesito, solo con decir que somos familia me basta.
Supongo que es mi caso porque no tengo con que compararlo, ahora quienes si lo tuvieron seguramente les es más fácil asociar el cariño con el del familiar en cuestión.
Es rico reencontrarte con caras conocidas que aunque bien lo dices forman parte de una etapa ya pasada, integran parte de lo que somos hoy y de lo que fuimos, nos permite reír de los buenos momentos y agradecer haber superados los no tan agradables.
Y el seguir sumando nuevos conocidos como es el casado de la familia hivers es un
lujaso, algo más para recordar gratamente a Argentina,
It is always a pleasure to read you, you remind me of my father in the way you speak and how you see the world and relationships, in your letters I see so much value, so many ethics, so many morals that it is wonderful that at this time of the world there are still people like that. Particularly I come from a very small family, because my parents are orphans so I did not have more affection than my brother and my parents and I never had the need to call anyone or uncles or cousins because I knew I was not, however I have people that I love very much and although they are not family I feel as if they were so although I do not award them any link because I do not need them, just to say that we are family is enough for me.
I guess that is my case because I have nothing to compare it with, now those who did have it is probably easier for them to associate affection with the family member in question.
It is nice to meet again with familiar faces that although you say it well are part of a bygone stage, they are part of what we are today and what we were, it allows us to laugh at the good times and be grateful for having overcome the not so pleasant ones.
And to continue adding new acquaintances such as the married hivers family is a luxury, something more to remember Argentina pleasantly,
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