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RE: Goodbye 2024: Our Year-End Party

Happy New Year, Liz! Sounds to me like your New Year's Eve party was an incredible one. The games, food and fun twists and turns made it a memorable celebration.

I love how your group always kept the spirit of joy alive.

I think I'm going to start using your very clever tradition of everyone bringing food that starts with the first letter of your name.

And I totally agree with you about the hilarious gift exchange - it's always the unexpected and fun gifts that make these holidays so special. here's to you for more fun, laughter and memories this 2025! ✨


¡Feliz Año Nuevo, Liz! Me parece que tu fiesta de fin de año fue una increible. Los juegos, la comida y los divertidos giros hicieron que fuera una celebración memorable.

Me encanta cómo tu grupo mantuvo siempre vivo el espíritu de alegría.

Creo que voy a comenzar a usar tu muy ingeniosa tradición de que todos traigan comida que comience la primera letra de tu nombre.

Y estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo sobre el divertidísimo intercambio de regalos: siempre son los regalos inesperados y divertidos los que hacen que estas fiestas sean tan especiales. ¡Brindo contigo por más diversión, risas y recuerdos este 2025! ✨


Happy New Year, Esperanza!🥳 Thanks, my friends are a joyful bunch and their energy is very contagious. About the foods, I really recommend you try it!🤩 It was very fun that got everyone thinking about what food should they bring since it gets tricky for some initials. The gifts though, I still find it hilarious because although we had the same theme, the gifts just keep on surpassing our expectations🤣. Everyone's very witty. Thanks for stopping by!✨

as I told you a great party and your friends were the best without a doubt.
como te dije una gran fiesta y tus amigos los mejores sin duda