I Am Eating Beef Again After 20 Years For This

in Family & Friends2 months ago

Hello, Hi!
In this post, i want to share some information that might be a help to some people. I want to spread this one to so many people, because i didnt know a thing about this till i experience it myself. Well, as we can see its all about breastmilk. I am a mom now and i am trying to give my baby breastmilk excusively for minimum 6 months and the continuation along with solid till 2 years or more. Of course, when we’re talking about breastmilk we have three categories out there;

  • DBF (Direct breastfeeding)
  • Eping (Exclusively Pumping)
  • Mix ( both dbf and pumping)
    I choose to do the latter. The reason is simple, i am quite a control freak and i am not comfortable not knowing how much milk that my baby consume and what is the condition of my milk. In other hands, i dont want to be an EPing mom because i love the moments between me and my baby during direct breastfeeding.

There’re many obstacle when it came to producing a good quality milk. When my baby around 4 months old, i was noticing the decline of his weight growth. At the same time, my milk production was also in decline. As a first time mother, every little thing seems to be bugging my mind. I try to find solution for that. I drink milk for breastfeeding support, i consume pills for it too, i drink whole bunch of vitamin, eat a lot of veggies and white egg. I did them all and yet i can hardly feel the difference to my breastmilk. After consulting this problem to some of my friends’ group, someone suggested me to consume beef daily. I was so dumbfounded when i hear it. I dont want to believe it and even more to do it. I am not a meat eater, the last time i had beef was 20 years something ago and i planned to keep it that way.

After a few days of debating with myself and do everything people said can help but no avail, i’ve decided to give the beef suggestion a try. There’s nothing i cant do for my baby. I bought minced meat because i dont want to chew them. All i want is to put the meat inside of my body. And well, i’ve noticed some changes to my body and my breastmilk. I’ve noticed that i lost some weight and my body feels so light. This is the best condition that i have ever been since pregnancy. Other than my own benefit, i’ve started to notice the change of colors and thickness of ny breastmilk. It used to be light colored and light texture, almost like water. Now, its yellowish and very creamy. We can see the big difference when its frozen. In the picture i attached below, i put two frozen breastmilk side by side. The left one are before i consuming beef everyday and the right one after i consuming beef for around one week. As we can see from the picture i attached too, now my breastmilk supply always reach the top of the bottle when i pumped them. More than anything, when my boy reaches 5 months old, his body weight suddenly shot up higher than the minimum weight gain at the time. Mommy happy and baby happy. I still fee disgusted whenever i have to swallow those minced meat, yet i will not stop eating them because i know the benefit i can get from them for me and my baby. Its time to yield and not being stubborn of my personal preference.


What a great acquisition and what a tasty teat