Good morning hivers! I'm glad I have the opportunity to write something in this community. I had been very busy these past few weeks and I just wanted to pause for a while and write something so that I can relax a liltle bit because of so many things that I wanted to accomplished.
As we go through this season of Lent, it reminded me to observe three things: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. In this season also, I am reminded to stop and give a little time to my family.
I'm glad I had this opportunity to take some photo of my mother and neice last Saturday evening.
I went to school that time from 8am to 6pm because of work related. After that time, I went staight to my brother's house for the scheduled Household.
I felt had no time for them. Usually, my regular working schedule is 12 noon to 8pm and most of the time, I cannot see my mother fully awake. I can see her sleeping and tired of the day's daily activities in the house.
I just wanted to share this photo so that I have a memory to be cherished in the future. It's been awhile that we had a picture taking since we are a family of not so active in taking some pictures together.
I'm happy despite of my extra activities last Saturday, I had captured this precious moment with my mom. How time flew so fast and I'm saddened that I have not yet given her the relaxation she deserved.
I just wanted her to be happy and see the the world outside from our house and neighbors. I hope and pray that as soon as possible she can travel and have that vacation she can treasured for a lifetime while there is time.
I felt that I'm running out of time for that to happen because of some financial reasons. As for the moment, only basic needs are what I can offer and give.
In my mind, it's really good to have a business so that I could have an extra money and give it to my mom so that she would have an extra cash and purchase what she wanted to buy for herself alone. She offered too much for her grandchildren to the point of not having enough for herself too.
As long as we are breathing. We can eat three times per day. Life is still beautiful an I know this coming years will be a productive one with business, good health, and good time to share with family, friends and neighbors.
No matter how hard life is. Let us paint a smile on our faces and let's live life the way we wanted it to be lived with outmost care of the chance God had given us the breath of life for His greater glory!
I'm grateful for this platform that I can share freely of what is happening inside of me without any judgement and fear. I felt that writing can relaxed my tired mind too.
I am tired but with these rare moment I felt joy even for the slightest of time. It's true that family is love. By there mere presence, there was suddenly changed of emotions.
Let us be grateful for our family no matter what. Let us include them.also in our prayers. Thank you and God bless!
With Love,