سَلَام My first Hive post from Rafah in besieged Gaza!

in Family & Friends8 months ago

Hello, Hive. My name is Fairouz and I've discovered Hive through my friend @kommienezuspadt. He has told me how communities grow on this platform in countries like Venezuela and my hope is to do the same for the people of Palestine.

I am a mother of four children. I used to live in Gaza in our beautiful house, raise my children, and work in my own business, me and my husband, to provide all the requirements of life for us and our children, but one day after October 7, our house, like the rest of the homes of the people of Gaza, became threatened because the occupation. It was bombed with fire belts, and our house had its share of destruction, but when we left the house we were forced out. I saw with my own eyes how my house was destroyed, and my tears flowed out of fear for my children and sadness for my house. Everything we had left in our house, including things and our beautiful memories, became ashes because of the brutal occupation

After our supporters were honored in our home and our beautiful life, we became in a tent in the street that did not protect us from the cold or from the bombing. We are now in Rafah, and the bombing is all around us from every direction.

Nihad, Abeer, Adam, and Moumina. These are my children. All of them are now sick due to the cold, lack of food, and lack of safe drinking water. I am suffering with them now because of that, and I have Adam and Moumna. I will be blogging on Hive to document our struggle, attempting to find our way back to hope for this world. Thank you for following. God bless you all.

مرحبًا، هايف. اسمي فيروز واكتشفت Hive من خلال صديقي @kommienzuspadt. لقد أخبرني كيف تنمو المجتمعات على هذه المنصة في دول مثل فنزويلا وآمل أن أفعل الشيء نفسه لشعب فلسطين.

أنا أم لأربعة أطفال. كنت أعيش في غزة في بيتنا الجميل، وأربي أطفالي، وأعمل في مشروعي الخاص، أنا وزوجي، لتوفير كافة متطلبات الحياة لنا ولأطفالنا، ولكن بعد يوم من 7 أكتوبر، بيتنا، كبقية منازل أهل غزة أصبحت مهددة بسبب الاحتلال. تم قصفه بالأحزمة النارية، وكان لمنزلنا نصيبه من الدمار، ولكن عندما خرجنا من المنزل أجبرنا على الخروج. ورأيت بأم عيني كيف دمر منزلي، وانهمرت دموعي خوفاً على أطفالي وحزناً على منزلي. كل ما تركناه في منزلنا، بما في ذلك الأشياء وذكرياتنا الجميلة، أصبح رماداً بسبب الاحتلال الغاشم

بعد أن تم تكريم أنصارنا في بيتنا وحياتنا الجميلة، أصبحنا في خيمة في الشارع لا تحمينا من البرد ولا من القصف. نحن الآن في رفح، والقصف حولنا من كل اتجاه.

نهاد وعبير وآدم ومؤمنة. هؤلاء اولادي. وجميعهم الآن مرضى بسبب البرد ونقص الغذاء ونقص المياه الصالحة للشرب. وأنا أعاني معهم الآن بسبب ذلك، ولدي آدم ومؤمنة. سأقوم بالتدوين على Hive لتوثيق كفاحنا، ومحاولة العثور على طريق العودة إلى الأمل في هذا العالم. شكرآ لك لمتابعتى. بارك الله بكم جميعا.


Hi. We are standing with you at Ligaya Garden. I've been very active on other platforms but I'd forgotten about @hive as a way to support activism and wonder if there was any group or individual doing good work that I could delegate or donate to?

If you have any access to computer services, I will donate 1000 HP to you so that you can convert it into HBD if you can.

Welcome to hive Fairouz! May your god protect you and your precious family.

Welcome, my dear, and thank you for your supportive words. I hope you will not forget us in your prayers here now, as we are being subjected to violent bombing in Rafah.

It's hard these days to think of anything else than what your people are going through. I don't find comfort in prayer, so there's not much more to do than hope that somehow someday the hatred and injustice can be overcome.
Until then, try to stay safe and keep on showing your children the importance of love. Stay here with us, and when things get a bit calmer and you need support to get back into some kind of normality, the hive community will be there for you.

Thank you for your witness vote!
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Hey @pharesim, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

Hopefully things will get better for you. Welcome to Hive.

Thank you, my dear, and you are welcome. I am glad you stopped by

Just keep blogging on hive, believe me your will make a fortune for you and your family. Stay focus and believe

Thank you, my dear. I am pleased with your encouraging words. I hope so

I'm saddened by what's been happening there. I wish you and your family safety. Keep blogging here on Hive. I'm sure you'll receive tremendous support!

Thank you, my dear, thank you for your support, and I hope that this distress will end and we will return safely to our homes, even if they are destroyed, we will rebuild them with love.

So sorry about your story.
You’re welcome to hive

Thank you.. I hope for your prayers and thank you for your support

Near the land where JesusChrist was born (Bethlehem, Israel), what a privilege to be there

Welcome, my dear, and we are honored by your presence. Welcome to you and to every person who loves to visit Palestine.

That is a very sad story. I'm sorry so much. Welcome to Hive!!

Welcome, my dear. We are a factory of hope, and the presence of supportive people like you encourages us to live. I hope that my life will return to what it was.

Welcome to Hive @girlofgaza. Praying for you and your family's safety. Just be strong!

Welcome, and thank you for your support and prayers for us. I hope everyone will stand by my children and help us.

our pray is always by your side :) Keep it up.

Thank you for your supportive words, my dear

Difficult times to live, for anyone in a war zone! Welcome to Hive!

Welcome, and thank you, my dear

May God ( Allah pak) protect you all. My eyes roll down tears as I was reading your words.

You are welcome, and your tears are precious because they fall for the sake of the people of Palestine, with all due respect, my dear.

Welcome to HIVE!

May Allah reward you and the people of Palestine for the immense patience! I wish thing get better very very soon. The world is with you.

Thank you, my dear, and thank you for your support. I hope you will help my children. You are great to us because of your standing with Palestine.

You are welcome and thank you for your supportive words

Hola, es duro lo que estás viviendo, la ambición del hombre poderoso es abominable, llegará el momento de la paz es lo que muchos deseamos nuestro planeta necesita armonía, ten fe y mucha fortaleza.
مرحبًا، ما تمر به صعب، وطموح الرجل القوي بغيض، وسيأتي وقت السلام، وهذا ما يريده الكثير منا، وكوكبنا يحتاج إلى الانسجام، والتحلي بالإيمان والكثير من القوة.

I'm very sorry to read your story @girlofgaza. Keep reporting your situation. We'll try to alleviate a bit this never ending story as much as we can. Because this abuse has to stop sooner than later. Take care!


May God bless you all, I don't know when this all will end but I really feel for those whenever they are on the news.


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I would love to say Welcome on HIVE. I pray Almighty Allah help all the Muslims around the world.

Welcome and thank you, my dear

Welcome and i wish for all of you all the best!
I wish there were no religions in this world.

Thank you, my dear, for your prayers for us

I mourn for the losses suffered by Palestinians in Gaza. Killing and displacing innocent Palestinian families does not bring justice for Israeli victims of October 7th. It only escalates the tension and hate which sparked the October attacks in the first place.

Thank you, my dear, for your prayers for us, and we are now in Rafah. Violent bombing is close to us, may God protect us

Its so absolutelly sad what you are suffering. so sorry this happens

Thank you very much. I hope you pray for me and my family a lot

Welcome to Hive, Fairouz. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you, my dear, and I am here under bombardment now, but if I had the rest of my life, I would tell you everything we are going through

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All thanks and respect to you

welcome to Hive! @girlofgaza, will follow your journay here and hope you can achieve piece in the near future, all the best for you, for your familie and friends out there in Palestine.

All respect to you and thank you for your supportive words. I hope this war will end and my family and I can travel



I am so sad for what has happened to you place... prayers are with you

@tipu curate

Thank you very much, my dear, and you are welcome

Welcome. Keep up the posts. Every time the people have been forced to be silent, the outcomes have not been good.

Welcome to hive and also so sorry to hear that the reason for you coming to hive is such a bad one.!

Please do report what is going on over there because it is so hard for all of us to get a complete idea of what is happening.

stay safe to you and your family!

Welcome, my dear, and thank you. Now I opened the internet with difficulty, but I came to reassure you, but here we are being subjected to violent bombardment in Rafah. Your prayers.

Hello @girlofgaza First, welcome to Hive. So sorry for the thing happened to you and your family.

I can not say more but you can chat me or maybe send me email if there is something to ask. Greetings from Indonesia

This is just devastating, why war has to exist and more innocent people had to go through something like this. May God protect you all from harm. Be strong for your family and kids 💪💓

Welcome to Hive! 👏🏻

Hoping for peace and that sooner rather than later there will be justice for the Palestinian people. Stay safe and keep blogging! ✍🏻

Greetings from Venezuela! ❤️

Oh I am glad to see you here and I hope that the violence stops soon and you and your family stay safe. 💙 We are standing with you and everyone suffering this! 💜

I hope all fill be fix there soon 😯👌👌👌👌👌