Hello there my lovely hivers!! How are you all doing? I hope you're all doing well. I am thrilled to share a birthday celebration of my father.
My sister @itsmemic planned to surprise my father, she would buy a cake and some snacks. Our first stop was at the red ribbon, and the cake that we wanted is not available.
We then, headed to Dela Rama bakeshop hoping that the cake that we wanted was available. But then when we asked the price it was quite expensive, so we bought some brownies as an alternative.
@Itsmemic wanted to buy some moisturizer and I told her that we our lotion and a day cream had already run out. So she bought one.
After that, we wait at school for them to get us because we just eat at the restaurant and it's just near our school.
We celebrated my father's birthday in a 4ks seaside restaurant. I've shared it in my last2 blog.Why is it a great restaurant to eat it. The staff here was friendly and approachable.
We ordered the same food as we ordered last year. This boodle had a crab, chicken,fish, barbeque and a shrimp. There is also a fried rice, and had a flavor of seafood. It is new to my tastebuds and I don't like it.
We take a group selfie for a documentation, because we rarely had a group picture since my father didn't like camera's.
After we get full, we go to the pier because it is just near at the restaurant. It has high tide and the brezze was really strong. We often, celebrate our birthdays in restaurants.
That's all for today's blog, my dear hivers. Thank you for reading till the end.