in Family & Friends6 months ago

It's really a wonderful thing to have people who love you and people who your love as well. This is the whole ecence of life in itself. The joy that family and friends bring is something that you can't compare with anything in this world.
Even though at times, it might seem very discouraging to continue putting up with your loved ones because of one or more interpersonal challenges. Of course, there will be times When you get pissed off by what they do, at other times it would be you pissing them off. These are some of the necessary amendments that bring us closer to each other. It makes us to learn more about the other person and get to know what they like and what they don't too.
In addition, please do not throw family members away because you will need them someday. When the world turns its back on you, family and true friends will always stay. I have come to realize that I must value the people I must value the people I have because humans are the most precious gifts anyone can have.
Being a teacher can be crazy at times due to the way these kids and their parents may act but, when i focus on the joy the kids bring, it just makes me happy. Sometimes when i go home after work, certain glimpse of memories from the school day just flashes by and i can't help but smile, sometimes even laugh out loud.
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Posted on ecency.