Hola gente linda de family and friends..
Ayer fue el cumple de mi hermana y salimos en familia para celebrar su dia. Un dia por supuesto caluroso pero con vistas hermosas que nos regalo el hermoso cielo.
Salimos primero a un lugar muy hermoso a comer pastas, y la atencion fue buenisima y muy agradable y las pastas estaban riquisimas.. Yo pedi una pasta caceresse con ragu blanco, y les puedo decir que es la pasta mas rica que he podido comer en mi vida y mas con vse sabor Italiano, quede fue desmayada de lo riquisima que estaba
Luego de alli fuimos a un cafe,donde pedimos algunas cositas para llevar a casa..Pedimos una tortita para llevar a casa y cantar cumpleaños.
La verdada a pesar de que las horas pasaron muy rapido,el calor mas el sol, estaban super fuerte,,casi no habia sombrita para refrescarse y no pude tomar mas fotitos porque ya estaba bastante cansada,pero las que tome si estaban muy bonitas.
Muchas gracias por leer amigos mios,nos vemos la proxima!!
English <3
Hello beautiful people of family and friends...
Today was my sister's birthday and we went out as a family to celebrate her day.a day of course hot but with beautiful views that the beautiful sky gave us. We went first to a very beautiful place to eat pasta, and the attention was great and very nice and the pasta was delicious.... I ordered a pasta caceresse with white ragu, and I can tell you that it is the most delicious pasta I have ever eaten in my life and more with Italian flavour, I was swooning with how delicious it was. After that we went to a cafe, where we ordered some little things to take home...We ordered a pancake to take home and sing birthdays.
The truth is that although the hours passed very quickly, the heat and the sun were very strong, there was almost no shade to cool off, I couldn't take more pictures because I was already tired, but the ones I did take looked very nice. Thank you very much for reading my friends, see you next time!
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