Hello hive community today we went down to Valera since my dad was going to the cemetery we stopped early and he went and I stayed at the mother's house in Valera then they arrived and we realized that mine took out the ping pong table and I told them why not make a tournament.
Comenzó el torneo y si me pude reír un rato los perros se querían comer las pelotas de ping pong y bueno mi papá y mi tío estaban jugando los dos muy buenos estaba muy fuerte la competencia hasta que ganó mi papá The tournament started and if I could laugh for a while the dogs wanted to eat the ping pong balls and well my dad and my uncle were both playing very good and the competition was very strong until my dad won.
Luego pasamos el rato en Valera y subiendo a betijoque nos paramos a comprar unos ricos chicharrones eso es la piel del cochino frito le echan un poquito de sal y es muy delicioso Then we spent some time in Valera and going up to betijoque we stopped to buy some delicious chicharrones that is the skin of the fried pig and they add a little bit of salt and it is very delicious.
subiendo a betijoque eso es muy famosos por sus chicharrones con carne y sin carne también los venden con caraotas y platanos fritos gracias a todos por leerme y apoyarme going up to betijoque that is very famous for its chicharrones with meat and without meat they also sell them with caraotas and fried plantains thanks to all of you for reading and supporting me. Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad
All photos are my propertyhttps://www.deepl.com/Translator Plantilla editada en Adobe Photoshop Cs6
Template edited in Adobe Photoshop Cs6
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