Espero que mi post le sea de su total agrado, de está manera puedan disfrutar de mi contenía ya que el mismo es realizado de mi propia autoridad y las fotos fueron tomada de mi teléfono Tenor Spark Go. Muchas Gracias por su atención y su tiempo dedicado a mi contenido.
Saludos y Bendiciones ✨🫂☺️🤜🤛📌
I hope you like my post completely, so you can enjoy my content since it is made on my own authority and the photos were taken from my Tenor Spark Go phone. Thank you very much for your attention and your time dedicated to my content.
Greetings and Blessings ✨ ☺️🤜🤛📌
Hello, happy day, to all my dear and appreciated friends of this Great and Prestigious #hive community, I hope you are feeling incredibly well! First of all, I want to thank GOD 🙏 and this incredible community of @Family&Friends, which I have the privilege of being a part of. Today I want to share some beautiful and wonderful news with all of you, I feel extremely happy for this unexpected decision, taken by my immediate supervisors of the company from which I am currently working. Sometimes we see the world small because of the things that happen or are going to happen, but in the same way we have to keep in mind that GOD 🙏 is by our side and covers us with his mantle, he himself tells us do not fear that I am your father and I do not want to that something bad happens to my children.
Cómo ya le comenté en un post anterior del mismo hice una presentación Feliz y Contenta por ese momento.
Bueno, les cuento el pasado 3 de Marzo, tuve la oportunidad de entrar a una extraordinaria empresa de Inter acá en Venezuela específicamente en la Cuidad de Cumana Estado Sucre, fue para mi una nueva experiencia de trabajo ya que tenía tiempo sin elaborar en un puesto de trabajo, y aunque no es fácil caminar en ofrecer el servicio en toda los sectores bde la Ciudad ya que aquí es el clima muy soleado es decir, el sol es fuerte y trajín del caminar es bastante largo y cansón, pero bueno la necesidad obliga y más con la situación que atraviesa el País.
As I already told you in a previous post about it, I made a Happy and Happy presentation for that moment.
Well, I'll tell you last March 3, I had the opportunity to join an extraordinary Inter company here in Venezuela, specifically in the City of Cumana, Sucre State, it was a new work experience for me since I hadn't worked in a position for a long time. of work, and although it is not easy to walk to offer the service in all the sectors of the City since the weather here is very sunny, that is, the sun is strong and the bustle of walking is quite long and tiring, but well, the necessity obliges and more with the situation that the country is going through.
El contrato duraba 4 meses es decir, hasta el pasado 31 de Julio fue culminado el mismo, una vez llegada la fecha de culminación mi corazón se sentía arrugado porque no sabía que iba a suceder en ese momento, me preguntaba ¿Se renovará o no se renovará el contrato? Preguntas que no se me salía de mi mente con tan solo pensar que quedaría sin empleo era lo más preocupante.
Era muy inesperado aunque con mucha conciencia está al tanto que mi contrato iba a finalizar pero mi miedo era que en estas alturas ni quería quedar sin empleo.
The contract lasted 4 months, that is, until July 31, it was completed, once the completion date arrived, my heart felt wrinkled because I did not know what was going to happen at that moment, I wondered, will it be renewed or not? Will you renew the contract? Questions that did not come out of my mind, just thinking that I would be unemployed was the most worrying thing.
It was very unexpected, although with a lot of awareness he was aware that my contract was going to end, but my fear was that at this point I didn't even want to be unemployed.
Fue juntamente el mes pasado específicamente el 31 de Julio cuando estábamos todos en la empresa, de repente llega al comedor los supervisores a decirnos varias cosas y una de ella Felicitarnos por la buen laboral que realizamos en estos 4 meses, sumado a eso después de muchas Felicidades 🎈🥳😘 nos dieron la noticia esperada por todos, Renovación nuevamente por 4 meses hasta el 28 de Noviembre. Es un logro obtenía anhelo y deseado por todos mis compañeros comenzaron aplaudir y a Felicitarnos unos con otro. Gracias le doy a DIOS 🙏☺️ por esta nueva experiencia vivida nuevamente con la empresa Inter fueron muchas las experiencias vividas para desprenderme de ella fácilmente y que dolor saber si la noticia fuera otra. Es por eso que cada día le doy Gracias a mi Santo por esta oportunidad 😊
It was together last month specifically on July 31 when we were all in the company, suddenly the supervisors came to the dining room to tell us several things and one of them congratulated us for the good work we have done in these 4 months, added to that after many Congratulations 🎈 😘 they gave us the news expected by all, Renewal again for 4 months until November 28. It is an achievement I was longing for and desired by all my colleagues began to applaud and congratulate each other. I give thanks to GOD 🙏☺️ for this new experience lived again with the Inter company, there were many experiences lived to get rid of it easily and what a pain to know if the news was different. That is why every day I thank my Saint for this opportunity 😊
Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.
Felicidades amiga por este logro alcanzado, si tienes la fé en Dios puesta siempre se te dará todos tus cometido, nunca desmayes y verás que nada te faltará.
Espero sigas creciendo en esta empresa y en tu vida.