Hola queridos compañeros de esta comunidad, ya volviendo un poco a la cotidianidad, sin embargo, me dió gusto poder acompañar a mi hermana a unas compras en un centro comercial de mi ciudad, Cumaná. Está vez estaba en el trabajo cuando ella me llamó para ir a dar una vuelta y compartir una tarde diferente, por la cual, acepté inmediatamente, y al salir del trabajo, tomé un bus y me fui hasta el centro, que es donde queda el centro comercial, la verdad, toda ayuda para distraerme en estos últimos días, me ha generado mucha paz, y la necesito, como saben, en mi país, estamos atravesando por algunos días de mucha incertidumbre política.
En el centro comercial no hicimos más que, pasear de tienda en tienda, y aprovechamos que ya estaban medio vacías, porque en diciembre cuando fuimos no entraba ni un alma más, estaba tan full, que todo lo que hacíamos era pasear por la parte de afuera, sin entrar a ninguna tienda, las colas a veces incluso estaban por fuera de las tiendas, esperando para poder entrar a comprar sus estrenos.
Estuve con mi hermana, y además, con mi cuñado, y sus hijos, recorrimos algunas tiendas como; total, palacio del Blumer, traki, Mrs Price, creo que, esas fueran todas, cuando decidimos irnos fue porque, teníamos hambre, claro, ya había pasado la hora del almuerzo.
Pasar tiempo de calidad con las personas que amo, me encanta, me motiva, alegra y emociona, más con mi hermana que, vive lejos de mi, así que, aproveché estos últimos días de su visita para disfrutar de ella y su familia, que amo con todo mi corazón, poder conversar, darnos cariños y compartir momentos inolvidables es fundamental para nuestra linda relación de hermandad. Bendiciones a los que me leen, que pasen una linda noche.
English version
Hello dear colleagues of this community, now returning a little to everyday life, however, I was pleased to be able to accompany my sister to some shopping at a mall in my city, Cumaná. This time I was at work when she called me to go for a walk and share a different afternoon, for which I immediately accepted, and when I left work, I took a bus and went to the center, which is where the mall is. The truth is that any help to distract me in these last few days has brought me a lot of peace, and I need it, as you know, in my country, we are going through some days of great political uncertainty.
At the mall we did nothing but walk from store to store, and we took advantage of the fact that they were already half empty, because in December when we went there was not a soul more to enter, it was so full that all we did was walk around the outside, without entering any store, the lines were sometimes even outside the stores, waiting to be able to go in and buy their new items.
I was with my sister, and also with my brother-in-law and his children, we went through some stores like; Total, Palacio del Blumer, Traki, Mrs Price, I think those were all, when we decided to leave it was because we were hungry, of course, it was already past lunch time.
Spending quality time with the people I love, I love, it motivates me, makes me happy and excites me, especially with my sister who lives far away from me, so I took advantage of these last days of her visit to enjoy her and her family, which I love with all my heart, being able to talk, give each other affection and share unforgettable moments is fundamental for our beautiful sisterly relationship. Blessings to those who read me, have a nice night.
Banner by | Banner por Photoroom.
Collage by | Collage por FunPic.
Fotografía por | Photography by: @mairimmorales, Tecno Spark 10 PRO.
Translated with | Traducido por https://translate.google.com
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A happy family
Thanks You 💕
Wow...such a lovely union. You guys lokk cute together to be honest.
Oh.. thanks You
A nosotros nos encanta disfrutar también contigo.
Gracias a ti por hacerme parte de tu familia 😘