[ESP-ENG] Tarde de empanadas en familia 😋/Empanada afternoon with the family 😋.

Saludos, ya hoy domingo 19 de Enero del año 2025, quiero enviarles a todos muchas bendiciones, que este día esté cargado de muchas cosas buenas, es un gusto compartir una vez más con ustedes, en esta ocasión para mostrarles como estuvo mi tarde de empanadas en familia, en casa de mis papás.

Greetings, already today Sunday January 19, 2025, I want to send you all many blessings, may this day be full of many good things, it is a pleasure to share once again with you, this time to show you how was my afternoon of empanadas in family, at my parents' house.

El día de ayer fuimos de visita a casa de mis papás, desde la semana pasada, habíamos quedado que esta, haríamos unas empanadas y llegó el día, cada quien colaboró con parte de los ingredientes, pescado guisado, queso, mortadela, harina de maíz, aceite para freír.

Yesterday we went to visit my parents' house, since last week, we had agreed that we would make some empanadas and the day arrived, everyone contributed with part of the ingredients, stewed fish, cheese, mortadella, corn flour, oil for frying.

Así al llegar la tarde, comenzamos con la faena de empanadas, mi esposo dijo, que el las iba a tender, ya que a el le quedan mejor, 🙃, tranquilo, bueno a mí me tocó cocinarlas, las hicimos en el reverbero con buena temperatura el aceite, , mi esposo las tendría súper rápido y yo ahí pendiente para voltear y sacar,entraban y se cocinaban super rápido.

So when the afternoon arrived, we started with the empanadas, my husband said that he was going to make them, since they were better for him, 🙃, calm, well, it was my turn to cook them, we made them in the reverbero with good oil temperature, my husband would have them super fast and I was there to flip them and take them out, they went in and they cooked super fast.

Comenzaron las empanadas a estar listas y también los comensales a comer, quedaron crujientes y deliciosas, conforme iban saliendo, se iban vendiendo 😜, al final se hicieron 2 paquetes de harina de maíz, quedaron muy buenas y los comensales satisfechos.

The empanadas began to be ready and also the diners to eat, they were crispy and delicious, as they were coming out, they were selling 😜, in the end 2 packages of corn flour were made, they were very good and the diners were satisfied.

Hasta aquí mi publicacion de este día, espero les haya gustado, muchas gracias a todos por el apoyo brindado. Saludos

That's it for my publication today, I hope you liked it, thank you all very much for the support provided. Greetings

Translated with DeepL.com

Todas las imágenes son de mi autoria por @mariarodriguez, tomadas especialmente para esta publicación.

All images are my own by @mariarodriguez, taken especially for this publication.



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Hay que sabrosas esa empanadas, unas de mis comidas favoritas que delicia 🤗