In a World of Trolls, Be a Light of Kindness

in Family & Friends2 months ago

There’s a popular saying, “There is power in the tongue.” Yet, many people underestimate just how true this is. Words carry immense power—they can build someone up or tear them down. Unfortunately, in today’s world, many fail to recognize this, leading to unnecessary cruelty, especially online.

Your words have the ability to heal, inspire, and motivate—or hurt, destroy, and discourage. That’s why being nice and respectful should be a part of who we are. Kindness shouldn’t feel like an instruction you’re compelled to follow; it should flow naturally because it’s the right thing to do.

A World Lacking Kindness

Nowaldays, kindlness feels like a rare commodity. Many people seem to derive pleasure from tearing others down, especially on social media. For example, someone posts a picture, and instead of encouragement, the first comment they receive might be, “You’re ugly.” Often, these hurtful remarks come from faceless trolls who hide behind anonymity.

What’s worse is the common advice given to those who face such attacks: “Grow a thick skin.” While resilience is important, shouldn’t we instead hold people accountable for their cruelty? Most times, individuals who insult others are battling insecurities of their own—whether it’s about their looks, abilities, or self-worth.

The Real Impact of Words

Words can hurt deeply, even if they’re typed by someone who remains faceless. We live in a world where depression rates are soaring, and many people turn to social media as a source of escape, seeking fun and connection. However, instead of finding solace, they are often met with harsh criticisms and negativity.

It’s disheartening to hear people say things like, “Don’t post your pictures online if you don’t want insults.” Why should anyone have to hide themselves because others choose to be mean? This only highlights how morally decayed and insensitive society has become.

A Call to Kindness

As I drop my pen, I leave you with this simple thought: “Be nice to someone today—it helps.” You never know what battles people are fighting, and a kind word could be the light they need.

Remember this quote by Maya Angelou:
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Let’s choose to make others feel loved, valued, and supported. One act of kindness at a time can make the world a better place.