Hola amigos de. #Familyandfrienda feliz viernes, llego el fin de semana y tambien el carnaval, espero que puedan disfrutar en familia, sanamente! Por aca creo que iremos el lunes, a ver que tal jeje el calor esta muy rudo como para intentar ir dos dias jajaja!! Pero bueno hoy vengo a contarles lo que pasó al llegar a la iglesia ese sabado 22, como les dije antes la ceremonia iniciaba a las 3 en punto asi que a esa hora estabamos ahi puntuales, comenzamos por supuesto a tomarnos algunas fotos aprovechando que el padre aun no salia, todos estabamos muy guapos pero mis niños mas😍😂
Hello friends of. #Familyandfrienda happy Friday, the weekend is here and so is the carnival, I hope you can enjoy with your family, healthy! Here I think we will go on Monday, let's see how it goes hehe the heat is too hot to try to go for two days hahaha! But well today I come to tell you what happened when we arrived at the church on Saturday 22nd, as I told you before the ceremony started at 3 o'clock so at that time we were there on time, we started of course to take some pictures taking advantage that the father was not out yet, we were all very beautiful but my children more😍😂
Por mi parte mi tia me prestó esa blusa que estaba mucho mas linda y elegante que la que yo tenia, menos mal porque sino me iba a ver andrajosita😂y a pesar que me medio estiré el cabello ya a ultima hora, no quedé tan loca!!
For my part my aunt lent me that blouse that was much more beautiful and elegant than the one I had, thank goodness because otherwise I was going to look ragged😂and although I half stretched my hair at the last minute, I was not so crazy!
Pero bueno luego de la sesion de fotos, nos sentamos en el segundo banco, para que nos pegara mas el viento ya que la iglesia no tenia aire acondicionado, y yo que me siento y Ema que me dices "mami quiero hacer pupu" 😖😖 Dios mio sentí que me iba a dar el mimiski jajaja pero bueno como conocemos al padre mi Tia le dijo que me prestara el baño, la llevo, con todo el sol y el calor pero corriendo, y la siento y le digo "pipi mami?" porque a veces dice pupu y es pipi, pero me responde "no mami pupu" JAJAJAJA Dios bendito, salimos tan rapido que no agarramos nada, asi que nos toco luego pedir papel que no habia en el baño.
But well after the photo session, we sat in the second pew, so that the wind would hit us more since the church had no air conditioning, and me sitting and Ema you tell me "mami quiero hacer pupu" 😖😖 Dios mio I felt that I was going to give me the mimiski hahaha but well as we know the father my Tia told him to lend me the bathroom, I take her, with all the sun and heat but running, and I feel her and I say "pipi mami? because sometimes she says "pupu" and it is "pipi", but she answers me "no mami pupu" HAHAHA, we went out so fast that we didn't take anything, so we had to ask for paper that was not in the bathroom.
Luego de eso regresamos rapido a la iglesia y cuando nos sentamos, sale el padre y comienza y todo y Ema "quiero agua" jajaja Dios mio no se si estaba nerviosa o que cosa, pero tampoco llevamos agua, repito salimos tan apurados que dejamos todos, pero bueno ahi la entretuve y al final se durmio, de hecho el padre hizo parte de la ceremonia con ella dormida
After that we returned quickly to the church and when we sat down, the father came out and started and everything and Ema "I want water" hahaha my God I don't know if she was nervous or what, but we didn't bring water either, I repeat we left in such a hurry that we left everyone, but well I entertained her and in the end she fell asleep, in fact the father did part of the ceremony with her asleep.
En el momento de ir a la pila bautismal fue que se despertó, y con el agua terminó de despertarse jeje, ahi nos reimos porque el padrino casi no podia cargar a Chris😂 y yo decia, es que pesa 30kg pero cuando lo cargas uno siente que son 100, de verdad jajaja el estaba nervioso porque sentia que se caia tambien, pero gracias a Dios no pasó
At the moment of going to the baptismal font was when he woke up, and with the water he finished waking up hehe, there we laughed because the godfather could hardly carry Chris😂 and I said, he weighs 30kg but when you carry him you feel like 100, really hahaha he was nervous because he felt that he would fall too, but thank God it did not happen.
La ceremonia duro 1 hora y no fue nada aburrida, fue hermosa, llena de palabeas hermosas del padre para nosotros, y hasta chistes internos 😂 porque la charla pre bautismal que fue un dia antes fue demasiado comica jaja, casi nos casan de una vez y todo jajaja
The ceremony lasted 1 hour and was not boring at all, it was beautiful, full of beautiful words from the father to us, and even inside jokes 😂 because the pre-baptismal talk that was a day before was too funny haha, we almost got married at once and everything hahahaha.
Luego llegamos a casa y siguieron las fotos, mi abuela fue la que no quiso salir en ninguna. Pero ella ayudo a freir los pasapalos mientrss nosotras decorabamos la mesa porque con el apuro eso quedó pelado😂
Then we got home and the pictures continued, my grandmother was the one who didn't want to be in any of them. But she helped to fry the pasapalos while we were decorating the table because in the rush that was peeled😂.
Todo quedó hermoso y los pasapalos divinos, eran 310 entre tequeños, pastelitos de carne, pizza y queso, los mandamos a hacer para evitar ese trabajon😂y estaban divinos de verdad, yo adicional hice dos pizza, asi que como imaginaran quedamos full ese dia😂porque eramos pocas personas jeje pero siento que asi es mejor, al final se cumplió lo que habiamos planeado, que todo fuera muy intimo pero bien hecho💕
Everything was beautiful and the pasapalos were divine, there were 310 between tequeños, meat pies, pizza and cheese, we had them made to avoid the work😂and they were really divine, I made two additional pizza, so as you can imagine we were full that day😂because we were few people hehe but I feel that this is better, in the end it was fulfilled what we had planned, that everything was very intimate but well done💕.
Fotos tomdas con mi Infinix Hot 40i
Portada editada en canva
Photos taken with my Infinix Hot 40i
Cover edited in canva
Ya veo que Ema te puso a sufrir jajaja
Ami me alegra que todo haya salido como tu querías. Todos estaban lindos y la mesa les quedó bella
Demasiado ami jajaja pero bueno se logró😂