Hola amigos de #Familyandfriends espero que se encuentren genial, por aca domingo de ordenar y limpiar pero antes quiero compartir con ustedes un poco de lo que fue el cumple numero 7 de mi muchachito el pasado miercoles 26. Por lo general enero y febrero me pegan fuerte jajaja siempre digo que me organizare y bla bla y termino en aprietos, pero bueno un dia a la vez, enero porque venimos de diciembre con el bolsillo aporreado, Ema cumple el 13 y sin embargo tuvo su pequeña celebracion, luego Febrero con el dia del amor y la amistad, y a este febrero se sumó el bautizo de estos muchachitos el sabado pasado y para completar Chris de cumple el siguiente miercoles, mis bolsillos estaban diciendo "YA NO AGUANTO MAAAAS" 😂 Pero bueno uno siempre resuelve no? Jeje y aca les muestro.
Hello friends of #Familyandfriends I hope you are feeling great, this is tidy up Sunday but first I want to share with you a little bit of what was my little boy's 7th birthday last Wednesday 26th. Usually January and February hit me hard hahaha I always say I will get organized and blah blah blah and I end up in trouble, but well one day at a time, January because we come from December with the pocket pummeled, Ema turns 13 and yet she had her little celebration, then February with the day of love and friendship, and to this February was added the baptism of these little boys last Saturday and to complete Chris' birthday the following Wednesday, my pockets were saying "YA NO AGUANTO MAAAAS" 😂 But well one always solves no? Hehe and here I show you.
Chris desde hace tiempo me habia dicho lo que queria de regalo asi que el dia anterior me fuí a mango bajito y se lo compré, eran unos muñequitos de minecraft, y obvio a Ema le compre algo tambien porque sino ya saben jeje, le compré un kit de uñas, una pinturita, unas uñas que nunca se pudo pegar😂 y algunas cositas para decorarse las uñas.
Chris had told me a long time ago what he wanted as a gift so the day before I went to mango bajito and bought it for him, it was a minecraft dolls, and obviously I bought something for Ema too because otherwise you know hehe, I bought her a nail kit, a nail polish, some nails that she could never stick😂 and some things to decorate her nails.
Obvio le forré el regalito al niño y como ya sabe leer le puse su mensajito🥰
Obviously I lined the gift for the child and since he can read I put his little message🥰.
El se fue bien temprano para su colegio donde despues de cantar el himno le cantaron cumpleaños por cierto. el que se va al cole y yo me pongo manos a la obra con la torta, calculando que me diera tiempo jeje y afortunadamente a las 9:40 ya estaba lista, asi que me tocó ponerla frente al aire acondicionado para que se enfriara rapido
He left very early for his school where after singing the hymn they sang his birthday by the way, the one who goes to school and I got down to work with the cake, calculating that I had time hehe and fortunately at 9:40 it was ready, so I had to put it in front of the air conditioning to cool it quickly.
Mientras se enfriaba yo le recorté algunos toppers que le mande a imprimir, y le puse puse cartulina Dorada al fondo
While it was cooling, I cut out some topper that I had printed, and put some gold cardboard on the bottom.
Luego me puse a preparar el merengue italiano que la verdad no me quedó muy firme que digamos pero bueno sirvió para medio decorar la tortica y con los topper quedó mas presentable jeje
Then I started to prepare the Italian meringue, which was not very firm but it served to decorate the cake and with the toppers it was more presentable hehe.
Entre bañarme y alistarme se hicieron las 11, pero como yo habia hablado con la maestra ya todos estaban saliendo, menos ellos, llegamos y le gritamos "SORPRESA" Y obvio estaba contento, todos sus amiguitos lo abrazaron y el salon se super alborotó con esa torta y los refrescos jeje
Between bathing and getting ready it was 11 o'clock, but as I had talked to the teacher and everyone was already leaving, except them, we arrived and shouted "SURPRISE" And obviously he was happy, all his friends hugged him and the room was super excited with that cake and soda hehehe.
Enseguida cantamos cumpleaños la version corta jeje y repartimos la torta y los refrescos, de broma me alcanzó por cierto😂 pero gracias a Dios todos tuvieron su buen pedazo, fueron 22 niños, pero realmente se cumplió el objetivo.
Right away we sang birthday the short version hehe and we distributed the cake and refreshments, as a joke it was enough for me by the way😂 but thank God everyone had a good piece, there were 22 children, but the goal was really achieved.
Obvio Emita tambien se coleo en la celebracion😂
Of course, Emita also had a flirt at the celebration😂.
Y para finalizar las sorpresas llegamos a casa y consiguió su regalo que por supuesto lo hizo muy feliz🥰
And to finish the surprises we arrived home and he got his present which of course made him very happy🥰.
El resto del dia lo pasamos en casa, queda pendiente la salida jeje que obvio se la mostrare por aca🥰💜
The rest of the day was spent at home, we still have to go out and I'll show it here🥰💜.
Fotos tomadas con mi Infinix hot 40i
Portada editada en Canva
Photos taken with my Infinix hot 40i
Cover edited in Canva
My stepdaughter' and my newphew love too Roblox!!! This cake it's amazing 🤩
My son loves that video game 😂😂 thank you friend.
¡Qué bonito cumpleaños amiga! 🎂, y que todo salió tal cual lo planeado. Felicitaciones para él y que siga cumpliendo muchos más 🤗.
Gracias bella, amén
Felicidades para tu pequeño amiga, que linda sorpresa❤️
Gracias ami🥰💜