Family and friends on a their wedding day!

in Family & Friends23 days ago

A great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together.It is when imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.

-Dave Meurer


I love the quotes I shared above from Dave Meurer it is actually what happened to our dearest niece who finally tie their knot with her long time boyfriend.
They are been in their relationship when they are still in highschool ,many things was happened and they showed us that no matter how many ups and down they encountered ,their relationships when this through ,I am happy for them for receiving the sacrament of marriage that happened a month ago.

As far as I know about their relationships that they broke up a few years ago as our niece notice that it seems that the boy,her boyfriend haven't a good plan in life but because of their love to each other they fixed their relationship and cake to this point.

Before reaching this moment ,I know some of the hardships ,struggles they encountered especially those days that we learned that she's pregnant.

In which some of our family member are felt bad about it coz they are expecting a good future for their niece but its already happened what we should have to do is to accept it and support their plan.

When we learned that she's pregnant ,the boyfriends parent came here to discuss about the wedding plan but since it needs a big fu d and of course we wanted also that our niece mother will witness this big occasion in her life ,they waited for her mother's vacation.

They are having almost 3 months on preparing it's and it won't happens successfully without the help and support of the both side parents.

My eldest son was the coin beared and my youngest was the ring bearer.


I and my husband was for the cord.


While watching her walking down the aisle it reminds myself during our wedding day.
It is a mix emotions anyway hihi.




After the ceremony,picturial with my family is a protocol hahaha.


They only choose to invites some of their friends and relatives since the food was for 100 persons only but my sister in-law added 20 heads for the food.

After the ceremony ,we headed to the venue and we are surprised for the decorations they prepared .Anyway ,they get a total package for it ,from the church decorations ,photoshoot ,bridal car ,venue food,Soundsystem and for the host for about 70k pesos.









And that's would be all for today ,thank you guys for your time!
Have a great day!!!!!


y rumbiaron a la lata?

Felicidades a los nuevos esposos, que el señor los mantenga unidos hasta la muerte los separe.
Dios los bendiga.