Yesterday, the owner of the house we’re renting invited me and my friends to dinner since his son was leaving for work overseas. They even gave us a ride, and we had our dinner at Larsian Daanbantayan. Also It was my first time eating there.
At first, it felt a bit awkward since we’re not relatives, but they treated us like family. While waiting for our food, I took pictures of the beautiful lights and the lively atmosphere. No wonder many people, especially students go go there to eat , relax because it’s accessible, convenient, and eco-friendly.
Few minutes later, the food was served. They ordered Tuslob Buwa, a popular Filipino street food made with pork liver and brain, best eaten with puso—rice wrapped in coconut leaves. The highlight of the meal? Barbecue! We were surprised to see so much of it, especially since we were all on a diet Hahaha.
After a while, they said they were already full, but there was still a lot of food left. We didn’t want to waste it or make them feel bad, so my friends and I helped each other finish everything.
Then came Coca-Cola—one bottle for them and one for the three of us. Another challenge, We were already full, but we had to finish it. My friends' reactions made me laugh. Just like before, we worked together to drink it all. When only a little was left, they asked me to finish it, but I bargained for them to take the last glass. Luckily, they agreed. In the end, we managed to eat them all and drink everything, which make our landlord’s family happy.
On the way home, we kept laughing because their son kept making jokes. We never knew he was that funny! We tried to hold back our laughter since our stomachs were already hurting from eating too much, but we couldn’t help it.
It was a wonderful night, and we’re really grateful to have such kind and generous landlords. They made us feel at home, and we’re lucky to have met them.
Wow! It's a blessing if we can meet people who are kind and generous like your landlady. They treated you as family.
@dehai its indeed a blessing maam and were very greatful for them.