[ES/EN] Una tarde de compras en un evento de juegos // An afternoon of shopping at a gaming event

in Family & Friendslast year

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Buen día comunidad de Hive, cómo siguen? Por mi parte todo bien, este sábado hubo un evento de parte de Zenbu Strikers, organizadores de torneos competitivos de distintos juegos, a pesar de que soy amante total de los videojuegos ninguno de los juegos para los que realizan torneos me llaman la atención. En esta ocasión no iba ser solo un simple torneo como suelen hacer, sino que esta vez iban a haber stands y no hay nada que ame más que comprar cosas.

Me fui al evento junto a un amigo y llegamos un poco perdidos ya que era nuestra primera vez en el centro gallego pero preguntando al vigilante conseguimos la ubicación, en el camino a la sala donde estaba el evento pasamos por una piscina demasiado bella, me gustaría preguntar si se puede pagar el día de piscina o solo es para socios 🤔 también nos encontramos con una tasca - restaurant que me llamó bastante la atención por su estilo que me recordó a un restaurant al que iba con mis padres en mi infancia.


Conseguimos fácilmente el evento y en cuanto entramos nos dispusimos a ver todos los stands. los stands tenían cosas de anime, Sanrio, Pokémon, etc. Pero lo que más prevalecía era el anime. Había muchísimas cosas que quería comprar, me enamoré de unos amigurumis de Jujutsu Kaisen, pero no me alcanzó el presupuesto para comprar uno 😞 Terminé comprando dos cajitas sorpresas de Sanrio, una de un llavero y otra de una borra. Con el llavero me emocioné muchísimo porque me salió Kuromi y llevo tiempo queriendo un llaverito de Kuromi para tenerlo junto a un llavero de My melody que ya tenía, sin embargo no todo fue ganancia ya que en la borra me salió Hangyudon, un personaje poco conocido de Sanrio y el cual tampoco me gusta mucho con su diseño de pescado raro 😐 además de eso la borra vino con unas paticas para Hongyudon de la cuales solo una le encajaba 😓

Otro stand que me enamoro fue uno que estaba lleno de cartas de Pokémon, tenían muchas cartas especiales e interesantes, el chico de la tienda nos comentó que era bueno comprar y guardarlas para el futuro ya que estas pueden llegar a subir mucho de precio, sin embargo, yo no compro las cartas para revenderlas ni pensando en su valor, soy feliz con obtener mis Pokémons favoritos y ya. Ya que no estaba interesada en las cartas caras pregunte por los sobrecitos y estos estaban en 5$ ya que eran originales a diferencia de los chinos que suelo comprar de 1$, pero como les dije no me fijo en eso.


Tras eso volvimos a dar una vuelta por los stands para ir a ver uno que anteriormente cuando pasamos por él estaba lleno, este estaba lleno de cositas de Sanrio hechas en masa flexible, que por si no se han dado cuenta para ya, soy amante de la marca. De todas las cositas que había, me fijé en un anillo de My Melody, primero me probé uno y no me quedó, pero la chica de la tienda me mostró uno más grandecito y este ya me quedaba perfecto.

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Tras comprar en el área principal nos fuimos a otra sala que tenía un par de mesas y estaba rodeado de más stands, pero esta vez de comida, mi amigo se compró un brookie (brownie con galleta) y nos sentamos a hablar mientras lo comíamos juntos, estaba super rico y si me hubiera quedado más dinero me hubiera comprado uno.


Luego de descansar nos fuimos a ver un poco lo que se supone que era la atracción principal del evento, los torneos de Mortal Kombat. No estuvimos mucho ahí ya que estaba full de gente gritando ante cada golpe y nos atormentaban un poco. Así que salimos un rato para alejarnos de la bulla, había una cartelera con un montón de actividades que realizan ahí en el centro gallego. Entre ellas estaba natación, por lo que ahora no se si la piscina es exclusiva para esto y no puedo comprar el día de piscina 😭


Volvimos al evento a agarrar un poco de aire porque afuera había un calorón horrible, para refrescarme un poco me compré un heladito de fresa que estaba bastante hieloso pero no estaba malo. Tras refrescarnos nos fuimos de ahí a casa de una amiga, finalizando el evento del día. Fue un día corto ya que solo fuimos a comprar pero igual la pasamos genial. Nos vemos en un próximo post y gracias por leer, hasta luego!!

English Version

Good day Hive community, how are you? For my part everything is fine, this Saturday there was an event from Zenbu Strikers, organizers of competitive tournaments of different games, although I am a total lover of video games none of the games for which they make tournaments call my attention. On this occasion it wasn’t going to be just a simple tournament like they usually do, but this time there were going to be stands and there is nothing I love more than buying things.

I went to the event with a friend and we arrived a little lost since it was our first time in the Galician center but asking the watchman we got the location, on the way to the room where the event was we passed by a very beautiful pool, I would like to ask if you can pay the day of the pool or is it only for members 🤔 We also found a tab restaurant that caught my attention a lot for its style that reminded me of a restaurant that I went to with my parents in my childhood.


We easily found the event and as soon as we entered we set out to see all the stands. the stands had things from anime, Sanrio, Pokémon, etc. But what prevailed the most was the anime. There were many things I wanted to buy, I fell in love with some Jujutsu Kaisen amigurumis, but I didn't have enough budget to buy one 😞 I ended up buying two Sanrio surprise boxes, one of a keychain and the other of an eraser. With the keychain I was very excited because I got Kuromi and I've been wanting a Kuromi keychain for a while to have it next to a My melody keychain that I already had, but not everything was win because in the eraser I got Hangyudon, a little-known Sanrio character and which I also don't like much with its design of a weird fish 😐 In addition to that, the eraser came with Hangyudon legs of which only one fit 😓

Another stand that I fell in love with was one that was full of Pokémon cards, they had many special and interesting cards, the boy from the store told us that it was good to buy and save them for the future because these can get very expensive, however, I don't buy the cards to resell them or thinking about their value, I'm happy with getting my favorite Pokémons and that's it. Since I was not interested in the expensive cards I asked about the envelopes and these were in $ 5 because they were original unlike the Chinese ones that I usually buy for $ 1, but as I told you I don't look at that.


After that we went back to walk around the stands to go see one that previously when we passed by it was full, this was full of Sanrio things made of flexible mass, which for if they have not noticed yet, I am a lover of the brand. Of all the things there were, I looked at a My Melody ring, first I tried one and it didn't fit me, but the girl from the store showed me a bigger one and this one fit me perfectly.

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After buying in the main area we went to another room that had a couple of tables and was surrounded by more stands, but this time of food, my friend bought a brookie (brownie with cookie) and we sat down to talk while we ate together, it was super good and if I had had more money I would have bought one.

After resting we went to see what was supposed to be the main attraction of the event, the Mortal Kombat tournaments. We were not there for long because it was full of people screaming at each blow and they were tormenting us a little. So we went out for a while to get away from the noise, there was a poster with a lot of activities that they carry out there in the Galician center. Among them was swimming, so now I don't know if the pool is exclusive for this and I can't buy the day of the pool 😭


We went back to the event to get some air because it was really hot outside, to refresh myself a little I bought a strawberry ice cream that was quite icy but it wasn't bad. After refreshing ourselves we went from there to a friend's house, finishing the event of the day. It was a short day because we only went to buy but we still had a great time. See you in a next post and thanks for reading, see you later!!

Fotos tomadas por mi Redmi 7
Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.



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That looks like a place to lose all your money if you don't have self control :) I see you had a mixed day, but at least you got some goodies for yourself.

Well, that kinda happened, because i came out of that place with the pockets empty jajajajs