(ESP-INGLE) Aerodromo General Rodriguez

in Family & Friends11 months ago (edited)


Hola hola como pasaron el domingo de pascuas, espero que bonito junto a la familia y seres más queridos, hoy les traigo fotos de lo que fue el evento en el Aerodromo de General Rodriguez.


Un evento muy lindo donde vi todos tipos de aviones y helicopteros, hicierön acrobacias en el aire un espéctalo precioso.
Luego participamos como invitados al homenaje de Cicare, su amigo Sergio Andrido le dedicó unas emotivas palabras al dueño Don Augusto Cicare "Pirincho" para los amigos, cuenta que construyo maquinas voladoras, contruyo el primer hilicoptero en Argentina, sino que construyo puentes entre pilotos ,fue un pionero en la industria aeronautica Argentina en un mundo donde los sueños de volar era inalcansables para muchos, Cicare desafió las condiciones y se dedico incansablemente hacer realidad sus sueños .alcanzar los cielos de manera rebolucionaria.


Contaba anecdotas a su amigo sobre sus sueños, fue una inspiración por sus logros , su legado perdurara siempre por su trabajo incansable y vision innovadora.

Su amigo y esposa realizaron el corte de cinta de inagurcion del lugar en General Rodriguez.
Tambíen su esposa dedico unas hermosas palabras recordandolo con mucho amor lo cual remarcaba que siempre tenía un mensaje positivo
iva, superando obstáculos, lo cual los llena de orgullo.

En su relato cuenta que construyo un helicoptero utraliviano el cual lo volo sin licencia.Obtuvo el premio de Alas rotativas era u apasinado de los helicópteros.

De todas las fotos que comparti podran ver un simulador de vuelo un helicóptero donde se realizan las practicas para aprender a volar.
La verdad me encanta poder compartir fotos de estos eventos, lugares que pueden visitar cuando gusten, o si son apasionados del vuelo tomar clases para aprender a volar.


Disfruto mucho visitar y descubrir lugares , más que tengan que ver con lo que me apasiona, lo hago con mucho amor y lo lindo que voy conociendo personas maravillosas y muy ricas en cocnocimientos la cual aprendo mucho.

Agradezco a todos los que hacen posible que pueda participar de estos eventos, gracias por la confianza y amabilidad que nos reciben.

Espero seguir participando de mas eventos difundiendo lugares y nuestra cultura para que puedan visitar y compartir en familia.
Les dejo algunas fotos que fueron tomadas por mi , de este hermoso evento.

Abrazos y cariños los leo .


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Hello hello how did you spend your Easter Sunday, I hope it was a nice one with your family and loved ones, today I bring you some pictures of the event at the Aerodromo de General Rodriguez.


A very nice event where I saw all kinds of aeroplanes and helicopters, they did aerobatics in the air a beautiful spectacle.
Then we participated as guests to the tribute of Cicare, his friend Sergio Andrido dedicated some emotional words to the owner Don Augusto Cicare "Pirincho" for the friends, he tells that he built flying machines, he built the first hilicopter in Argentina, he built bridges between pilots, he was a pioneer in the Argentinean aeronautical industry in a world where the dreams of flying were unattainable for many, Cicare defied the conditions and dedicated himself tirelessly to make his dreams come true, to reach the skies in a revolutionary way.

He told stories to his friend about his dreams, was an inspiration for his achievements, and his legacy will live on through his tireless work and innovative vision.

His friend and wife performed the ribbon cutting ceremony at the opening of the General Rodriguez location.
Also his wife dedicated some beautiful words remembering him with much love which remarked that he always had a positive message for the future.

He was very proud of overcoming obstacles, which made them very proud of him.

In his story he tells how he built an utralight helicopter which he flew without a licence and won the rotary wing award, he was a helicopter enthusiast.

From all the photos I shared you can see a helicopter flight simulator where they practice to learn to fly.
The truth is that I love to share photos of these events, places that you can visit whenever you like, or if you are passionate about flying, take classes to learn to fly.


I really enjoy visiting and discovering places, especially if they have to do with what I am passionate about, I do it with a lot of love and the nice thing is that I meet wonderful people and very rich in knowledge which I learn a lot.

I thank all those who make it possible for me to participate in these events, thank you for the trust and kindness that we receive.

I hope to continue to participate in more events spreading places and our culture so that you can visit and share with your family.
I leave you some photos that were taken by me, of this beautiful event.

Hugs and love to all of you.


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📷 Imágenes tomadas por mi/Banner Hive de ikasumanera/Banner final editado en Canva.com/Traducido con DeepLTranslate