Hola hive!!! sii, como lo ven en el titulo, me gané un concurso en el que el premio era poder comer todos los slices de pizzas que quería en un día!! y gratis!! no me imaginate que fuese un concurso tan pero tan rico jejejeje.
hello hive!!! yes, as you can see in the title, I won a contest in which the prize was to be able to eat all the pizza slices I wanted in one day!!! and for free!!! I can't imagine that it was such a delicious contest heheh
Les cuento como sucedió... este es un local de comida que queda en la ciudad donde vivo, sin embargo, las comidas no son tan económicas, así que básicamente ir a comer a este restaurant, ya sea cena o almuerzo, sería en una ocasión especial... Este restaurant y también pizzería se llama toscana, y viendo sus publicaciones en su red social Instagram las pizzas se ven súper deliciosas y apetitosas, sin embargo, no había tenido la oportunidad de ir. Una noche, yo estaba revisando mi feed de Instagram y me salió una publicación del local, publicitando un concurso cuyo premio era slice de pizzas gratis por un dia! yo no dudé y participé, aunque se que es difícil ganar por sorteos en instagram, aun así lo intenté. Los pasos eran muy sencillos, solo teníamos que etiquetar a dos amigos, subir la publicacion a nuestra historia y seguir su cuenta. Asi lo hice, como sé que es un poco difícil ganar, solo comenté dos veces y segui leyendo las noticias de mi feed de Instagram....
I tell you how it happened... this is a food place that is in the city where I live, however, the meals are not so economical, so basically going to eat at this restaurant, either dinner or lunch, would be on a special occasion.... This restaurant and also pizzeria is called toscana, and looking at their posts on their social network Instagram the pizzas look super delicious and appetizing, however, I had not had the opportunity to go. One night, I was checking my Instagram feed and I came across a publication of the local, advertising a contest whose prize was free pizza slice for a day! I did not hesitate and participated, although I know it is difficult to win by sweepstakes on instagram, even so I tried. The steps were very simple, we just had to tag two friends, upload the post to our story and follow their account. So I did, as I know it is a bit difficult to win, I only commented twice and kept reading the news on my Instagram feed ....
A los días, me llega una notificación de que soy la ganadora del concurso!! yo estaba emocionada, más que por ganar, porque quería comer pizza, desde hacía días estaba antojada, y me lo merecía después de tantas clases y semana agotadora.
Llegó el día, y por cierto, podía llevar a un acompañante. Después de llegar de clases, más arreglé y fui con una amiga a degustar cada slice.
A few days later, I received a notification that I was the winner of the contest!!! I was excited, more than for winning, because I wanted to eat pizza, I had been craving it for days, and I deserved it after so many classes and an exhausting week.
The day came, and by the way, I could bring a companion. After arriving from class, I got dressed up and went with a friend to taste each slice.
Al llegar, nos recibieron con una ensalada tipo cesar, y nuestra primera elección de pizza. La dinámica de este día en el local consistía en que los mesoneros sacaban una pizza con slices de diferentes tipos, y al pasarlos por tu lado, tu decidias cual querias comer. Había Margarita, Del campo, Pepperoni, mexicana, Oliva, incluso había una que era una variación de la de la pizza hawaiana, no sólo tenía piña, sino también Parchita. Esta última sólo la probé por curiosidad, no iba a perder la, oportunidad de degustarla, aunque la pizza con piña no sería la pizza de mi elección..
Upon arrival, we were greeted with a Caesar salad and our first choice of pizza. The dynamic of this day at the restaurant was that the waiters would bring out a pizza with slices of different types, and as you passed them by, you would decide which one you wanted to eat. There was Margarita, Del Campo, Pepperoni, Mexican, Oliva, there was even one that was a variation of the Hawaiian pizza, not only had pineapple, but also Parchita. This last one I only tried out of curiosity, I was not going to miss the opportunity to taste it, although the pineapple pizza would not be the pizza of my choice...
Así pasamos la noche mi amiga y yo, comiendo, conversando y aprovechando las deliciosas pizzas gratis. Nosotras decidimos acompañarlas con nestea, pero eso si corría por nuestra cuenta. La verdad este momento lo necesitábamos, un rato de despeje de tantas cosas de la Universidad, un rato para nosotras hablar de cualquier cosa sin pensar en exámenes, y lo más rico, degustando comida. Nos reímos y disfrutamos la compañia de la otra. A veces son necesarios estos ratos!!
That's how my friend and I spent the night, eating, chatting and taking advantage of the delicious free pizzas. We decided to accompany them with nestea, but that was on us. We really needed this moment, a time to clear our heads from so many things at the University, a time for us to talk about anything without thinking about exams, and the best thing, tasting food. We laughed and enjoyed each other's company. Sometimes these moments are necessary!
Yo alcance a comerme 5 slices de pizza, la verdad si llenaban jajajaja, y mi amiga solo 3. Así que bueno, quizás si hubiésemos tenido más tiempo, podíamos quedarnos más rato y descansar un poco y seguir comiendo, pero teníamos que volver a casa. Así que básicamente, esas pizzas gratis fueron nuestra deliciosa cena de la que no nos quejamos para nada!!!
Ojalá me ganara concursos así más seguido Jejejejeje.
I got to eat 5 slices of pizza, the truth if they were filling hahahaha, and my friend only 3. So well, maybe if we had had more time, we could stay longer and rest a little and continue eating, but we had to go back home. So basically, those free pizzas were our delicious dinner that we weren't complaining about at all!!!!
I wish I would win contests like that more often hehehehehehehe.
todas las fotos son de mi propiedad
Wow!!, I would love to win such contest too. There is nothing as sweet as eating free foods.
You're really lucky, it's nice to know you enjoyed yourself.
Was the pizza the best you have had ? , How was it ?
Thanks for sharing