in Family & Friends3 months ago


Hola gente alegre y bonita que transitan por esta amena Comunidad, por aquí de nuevo con ustedes para contarle otra de mis pequeñas historias familiares.

Este martes (mi esposo tiene el día libre), teníamos un pequeño problema con el combustible de nuestro auto, para nadie es un secreto las calamidades que estamos viviendo en nuestro país Venezuela con lo de la gasolina, la quieren cobrar en divisas y las pocas bombas que la tienen a precio subsidiado presentan largas colas, donde hasta hay que pernotar para lograr surtir un máximo 40 litros de gasolina.

Hello, happy and beautiful people that pass through this pleasant Community, here again with you to tell you another of my little family stories.

This Tuesday (my husband has the day off), we had a small problem with the fuel of our car, for nobody is a secret the calamities that we are living in our country Venezuela with the gasoline, they want to charge it in foreign currency and the few pumps that have it at a subsidized price have long lines, where you even have to stay overnight to get a maximum of 40 liters of gasoline.

Fuimos a varias Bombas de gasolina (que ese día me correspondía surtir por mi número de placa) y las colas eran kilométricas… Nos acordamos de un comentario q nos hizo un vecino “ya yo me dejé de sufrir aquí en Guatire con esas colas tan largas, yo me voy a Caucagua que queda a unos 15 minutos de Guatire y lleno mi tanque sin mayor dificultad, además “NO” es por número de placa, puedes surtir cualquier día”.

Así que decidimos ir a ese lugar, al llegar a la bomba a la que se refería nuestro vecino, estaba cerrada, la encargada nos informó que ese día no llegó la cisterna de gasolina… “Que puntería”- exclamé- y lo que hicimos fue reírnos.

La señora encargada de la bomba de “Merecure” (ese es el nombre de esa bomba) dijo que a unos 10 minutos más de carretera había otra bomba llamada “Grinco”, que fuéramos que ella estaba segura que ahí si íbamos a recargar el tanque de gasolina.

We went to several gas pumps (that day I had to fill up by my license plate number) and the lines were kilometers long... We remembered a comment made by a neighbor “I stopped suffering here in Guatire with those long lines, I go to Caucagua which is about 15 minutes from Guatire and I fill my tank without much difficulty, also ‘NO’ is by license plate number, you can fill up any day”.

So we decided to go to that place, when we arrived at the pump to which our neighbor was referring, it was closed, the attendant informed us that the gas tank did not arrive that day... “What an aim”- I exclaimed- and what we did was to laugh.

The lady in charge of the “Merecure” pump (that is the name of that pump) said that about 10 minutes down the road there was another pump called “Grinco”, that we should go there because she was sure that there we would be able to refill the gas tank.

Después de agradecerle a la señora su amabilidad nos fuimos y ciertamente estaba la bomba abierta y solo 5 carros en cola. Entramos y efectivamente llenamos el tanque sin mayor dificultad, eso fue bien rápido.

Estábamos tan contentos que decidimos rodar un poco más, compramos unas cervezas y nos fuimos hasta llegar a un pueblo llamado “Café/Capaya” el cual teníamos más de 20 años que no íbamos, en ese pueblo hay un rio llamado Marasmita y hasta ahí llegamos.

After thanking the lady for her kindness we left and certainly the pump was open and there were only 5 cars in line. We entered and indeed we filled the tank without much difficulty, that was very fast.

We were so happy that we decided to ride a little more, we bought some beers and we went to a town called “Café/Capaya” which we had not been to for more than 20 years, in that town there is a river called Marasmita and we got there.

Al llegar al pueblo del café, mi esposo quiso saber de una tía que vive ahí pero que tiene muchos años sin saber de ella, llegamos a esa casa y salió la señora, se emocionó mucho de ver a su sobrino, conversamos un rato con ella y luego nos fuimos a ver como estaba ese rio.

When we arrived at the coffee town, my husband wanted to know about an aunt who lives there but has not been heard from for many years, we arrived at the house and the lady came out, she was very excited to see her nephew, we talked with her for a while and then we went to see how the river was.

A pesar de ser día martes había personas disfrutando de ese lugar, seguimos más adelante y encontramos un pozo que se veía espectacular, estaban solo unos niños bañándose, estacionamos el carro, destapamos las cervezas y nos sentamos en un tronco de un árbol que estaba frente al rio.

Even though it was a Tuesday there were people enjoying the place, we continued on and found a well that looked spectacular, there were only a few children bathing, we parked the car, uncorked the beers and sat on a tree trunk that was in front of the river.



El calor estaba muy fuerte y el del rio se veia exquisita, lastima que no llevamos trajes de baño o shores para bañarnos le comenté a mi esposo.
Como a los 20 minutos los niños se fueron y ese pozo quedó solo, asi que nos quitamos la ropa y aprovechamos de bañarnos un rato en ropa interior, jajaja. Gracias a Dios ese rato que estuvinos ahí no llegó nadie, aunque nuestra ropa interior era bien tapada, yo por suerte tenia un top que parecia un traje de baño, ademas de color rojo oscuro.

The heat was very strong and the river looked exquisite, too bad we didn't bring swimsuits or shores to bathe in, I told my husband.
After about 20 minutes the kids left and the well was left alone, so we took off our clothes and took the opportunity to bathe for a while in our underwear, hahaha. Thank God that time we were there no one came, although our underwear was well covered, I luckily had a top that looked like a bathing suit, plus dark red.


Nos refrescamos bastante, conversamos bien relajados de nuestro día a día, salimos a secarnos un poco con el sol y nos vestimos.
Pasamos un rato maravilloso juntos, sin pensarlo y sin planificarlo, lo que si estamos planificando es volver con mi madre y unos amigos bien preparados para hacer una comida en ese lugar tan agradable, el cual tenemos tan cerca de nuestra vivienda y no lo disfrutamos.
De ahora en adelante nos vanos a ir a surtir gasolina en esa bomba y si hay tiempo visitar otra parte de ese rio que es grandísimo y hermosísimo.

We cooled off a bit, had a relaxed conversation about our day to day life, went out to dry off in the sun and got dressed.
We had a wonderful time together, without thinking about it and without planning it, what we are planning is to return with my mother and some friends well prepared to have a meal in that nice place, which we have so close to our home and we do not enjoy it.
From now on we are going to go to refuel at that pump and if there is time to visit another part of that river that is very big and beautiful.

Hasta aquí esta pequeña historia familiar queridos amigos, gracias por leerla.

Todas las fotos son nuestras, tomadas con el teléfono de mi esposo Samsung A15, publicadas bajo su autorización, algunas editadas en Canva en su versión gratuita.

Uso el traductor Deepl (versión gratuita) para mis publicaciones.

So much for this little family story dear friends, thank you for read it.

All photos are ours, taken with my husband's phone Samsung A15. published under his authorization, some edited in Canva in its free version.

I use Deepl translator (free version) for my publications.

