
      Hola mi gente bella de @hive de vuelta por esta hermosa comunidad como lo es @family-friends, hoy quiero compartir este post, el tiempo no se mide por la cantidad... sino por la calidad y hoy quise aportar calidad de tiempo para mis hijas, poder compartir una tarde diferente y aunque que comparto todos los días con ellas no es lo mismo, ya que siempre estoy en los quehaceres del hogar o en otras ocupaciones y ellas en sus estudios.

      Hello my beautiful people from @hive back for this beautiful community like @family-friends, today I want to share this post, time is not measured by quantity... but by quality and today I wanted to contribute quality of time to my daughters, to be able to share a different afternoon and although I share every day with them it is not the same, since I am always in the housework, my in other occupations and they in their studies.

Hoy un Día diferente / Today a different day

      Para ellas el día comenzó igual que todos los días despertarme 5:30 a.m. preparar los desayunos y meriendas, despertarlas a las 6 a.m y llevarlas al colegio... su rutina normal... Pero algo cambio a la salida de clases a las 12 m, decide llevarlas de paseo por el centro de la ciudad, compartir con ellas algo rico y regalarles un pequeño detalle, para mi se lo merecian y sentí de corazón regalarles algo ese día, pero algo que eligieran ellas.

      For them, the day began the same as every day, waking up at 5:30 a.m. prepare breakfast and snacks, wake them up at 6 a.m. and take them to school... their normal routine... But something changed when they left at 12, he decided to take them for a walk through the city center, share something delicious with them and give them a small gift, for me they deserved it and I felt from my heart to give them something that day, but something that they chose.


Se llego la hora de la salida / It's time to leave

      Al llegarse la hora de la salida de clases fui con su papa a buscarlas, cuando íbamos a medio camino les digo que por acá nos quedamos y ellas sorprendidas 😋.

      When it was time to leave school I went with their father to look for them, when we were halfway there I told them that we stayed here and they were surprised 😋.

    Bueno y aquí comenzamos nuestro recorrido, vamos caminando por todo el centro de la ciudad de Barquisimeto, ellas mirando algunas tiendas, Pero como les comente, lo que ellas no saben es que le voy a dar la oportunidad de poder hoy comprarse algo que les guste.

    Well and here we begin our tour, we walk through the entire center of the city of Barquisimeto, they looking at some stores, but as I told you, what they don't know is that I'm going to give them the opportunity to buy something they like today.



Mi menor / E Minor

      Aquí va Isbell mi hija menor mirando y mirando los pantalones, así como blusas vamos a ver que modelo es el que va a escoger... bueno escogió esa hermosa blusa para combinarse como dice ella con un pantalón negro que tiene.

      Here is Isbell, my youngest daughter, looking and looking at the pants, as well as the blouses, let's see which model she is going to choose... well, she chose that beautiful blouse to combine, as she says, with the black pants she has on.


Mi Mayor / My biggest

      Aquí vemos a mi hija mayor Iskell, buscando y buscando y nada que se decide, la verdad es la mas difícil a la hora de escoger alguna prenda de vestir.

      Here we see my eldest daughter Iskell, searching and searching and nothing is decided, the truth is the most difficult when choosing an item of clothing.


      Después de hacer sus pequeñas compras, quisieron ir a comer unos deliciosos y famosos combos de perro caliente, y mientras esperamos nos atiendan aprovechan de sacarse unos fotitos con su prima que se coleo jejej y aprovecho tambien de comerse su combito 😜.

      After doing their small purchases, they wanted to go eat some delicious and famous hot dog combos, and while we wait they serve us, they take the opportunity to take some pictures with their cousin who was cool lol and I also take advantage of eating their combo 😜.



      La felicidad de un hijo no tiene precio, no se compara con nada... aparte de que esa felicidad te transmite una paz inexplicable, fue una tarde distinta poder compartir con ellas un rato, verlas disfrutar, conversar, abrazarlas mucho mas. Ellas saben que las amo 😘.

      The happiness of a child is priceless, it does not compare to anything... apart from the fact that happiness transmits an inexplicable peace, it was a different afternoon to be able to share with them for a while, see them enjoy, talk, hug them much more. They know I love them 😘.

Disfrutando al máximo este día con mis tesoros

Enjoying this day to the fullest with my treasures

-Imagenes son propias de mi telefono Redmi 9A
-Traductor por Delp Traductor.
-Edición de fotos con Canva-Toda la autoria pertenece a @ysnelsalas

-Images are from my Redmi 9A phone
-Translator by Delp Translator
-Photo editing with Canva-All authorship belongs to @ysnelsalas

Gracias por leer y comentar

Thanks for reading and commenting


@erikah Yes, you are right, that is why it is important to always share good moments with our loved ones, even if they are few, but they remain in the memory.

I agree with you on that, quality time matters, not quantity and trust me, they will remember the time spent together not because you were together but because what you all did together.

The happiness of a child is priceless

It's the only important thing.

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